I feel like a ridiculously simple creature sometimes. All of my tasks for today were very short, so I get to move a lot of tickets to the "Done" column. This makes me feel far more pleased with myself than is remotely rational.
System in what sense? Like what software do we use to keep track of tickets?
For me its usually either JIRA or on GitHub. But we are talking software development not personal to-do list or anything.
@solanaceae @freemo My team uses JIRA and something approximating Kanban. So my tickets go: Selected For Work->In Development->In Validation->Ready To Release->Done. But I also use the "Getting Things Done" system (from a book by the same name - which I've not actually read), which I track with an app called Nirvana. I'm naturally disorganised, so unless I'm very strict with myself things rapidly unravel!
I'm always on the lookout for a good to-do app (todoist is my top choice right now). I'll check out nirvana.
Try getting a paper planner with a to-do section maybe?
@solanaceae @freemo Yeah, many aspects of smartphones worry and/or annoy me, though I have one anyway. Nirvana can be used from a regular computer as well, though that's a lot less useful if you don't use a phone as well, as you can't put your computer in your pocket. Getting Things Done is still useful as a system though, even if you are pen and paper based. Quite a few overviews on the web, so might be worth you putting into your favourite search engine.
@freemo @solanaceae I think I tried TodoIst as well. Can't remember why I went for Nirvana... don't think there was much in them.
@mneme I get so much satisfaction from moving tickets to done I find myself created tickets for even small tasks! It helps me get organized too.