Just after the grand military parades in the heart of the national capital the city is stormed by an army of protesting farmers who are protesting against the new farm laws for around 2 months now.


@mur2501 Whoa looks bad. Any wounded? When those tractors were racing that was pretty risky. Looks more violent than our farmer's protests.

There are currently 300,000 farmers protesting in Delhi so ofcourse it turned violent fast. One was dead from a police shot while hundreds are injured.


Has not settled for months,
Hardly will it settle now.

@mur2501 I fear that too. Our farmers are still not really done with their protests either.

@mur2501 Something about not wanting NO2 levels to be redistributed. The farmers are responsible for a huge exhaust of NO2 and don't want to adjust their farming methods. As result, because of EU rules, we aren't able to fix other things like building new homes (the actual building process has NO2 output too) and we have a huge housing shortage. So many people aren't too happy with the farmers.

At least this is what I understood. I haven't been really following their 'troubles' (first world problems...) but I've seen what their protests led to and I am totally not sympathetic to our farmers' cause as result.

Totally a different situation than what your farmers are facing I'm sure!

The farmers protest here are basically for repealing the new laws regarding liberisation of the farming sector where big corporates would be able to directly buy the agro produce from the farmers themselves, now as the farmers here are mostly poor so they fear that the corporates will be at the advantage of every deal and the farmers would be neglected.

Other demands includes to allow the farmers to continue the stubble burning (which is one of the main sources of pollution in India, especially north India where New Delhi is covered thick pollution smog every winter due to this) method without any punishments or fines.

@mur2501 Mmm.

For #1, it sounds like they should form an union block against corporate bullying. I guess they have that right now and that the government want to break that up? Then I can see their concerns there.

For #2... if that is a cause of pollution, a big one, it probably should be stopped and alternatives ought to be researched.

I actually had to look up what stubble burning was, and there seem to be alternatives available. Convert it to biofuel, or into a building material. Mmm. Or if they're used to feed the fields, there's a certain machinery available to convert that to non-polluting nutrients for the fields, but apparently that costs money whereas burning is cheaper. Mrm, sounds like the government could help out there.

That is what I seem to understand from this. What's your stance to your farmers?

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