Finally got around to buying my share of Steam games during this sale. All games were high on my wishlist, so I'm definitely going to enjoy them. :)

@mur2501 There were 5 games I had lined up for purchase:
- 7 Billion Humans
- Archaica: The Path of Light
- Ascension: Delirium (DLC)
- Endless Bounty
- The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark

Basically: programming puzzle, laser&mirrors puzzle, DLC of a card game I play a lot, cute RPG adventure, goofy paranormal detective adventure.

@mur2501 I don't usually buy AAA games. They're boring, shitty, and buggy as fuck, not to speak of generally being overpriced because of marketing and mooching off developer reputation.

I prefer indie games in general, or games with huge replayability. They've given me the most fun so far.

I also like indie games like
Valiant Hearts
Papers Please

- Journey, I considered this, but decided against it. Landscape looked repetitive to me. If it is what I suspect it is, an exploring type of game, then I can probably recommend Aer Memories of Old, ABZU, and RiME. Gorgeous games and immersive. Aer is nice cheap right now.

- Valiant Hearts, alas it's an Ubisoft game. I have extremely negative experiences with Uplay, so I've put this on my ignore list. I accept that I might be missing out on some hidden gems that way.

- Papers Please is one of a kind. Got it too while it was on the hype train, and played it a bit. Not really my type of game though, but I can see why it gained popularity. GLORY TO ARSTOTZKA!


Journey -
It has a linear gameplay so I don't think it's repetitive rather it builds up along the way though sorry I forgot Journey is an auditory art game which means audio is the key element for the gameplay :P
Visually and gameplay wise it is cool but the developer has created tye game on music which builds up as you go further in game.

Valiant Heart -
Well yes big game companies normally just output overly marketed trash but there are alot of exceptions and they can sometimes spit out good games. Valiant heart is very good in story, gameplay, music, and overall historical theme.
Another very good game I like is L. A. Noire from Rockstar Games, as well as Assassin's Creed 2 from Ubisoft both are very well designed games.

Well, with Journey I meant the landscape looked repetitive from what I saw in trailers and video plays. But yes, now that you mention it, I seem to have seen a few puzzle elements in those videos where I think 'how did you know?' and now that you mention it uses sound a lot, that makes a lot more sense. So that doesn't sound like I'd enjoy it as much.

To be honest, I don't know if those 3 games I mentioned earlier uses sound cues either.. but they were perfectly playable for me. :)

And I accept that I won't be playing some good games because of the publisher and their awful DRM. Valiant Hearts is one of those.

Assassin's Creed is an AAA game. I've tried one of those games in that series briefly.. and it was boring to me. Plus it is Uplay, I'm avoiding everything of Ubisoft.

Rockstar Games is also not really a small studio anymore. They're milking their GTA franchise something fierce and have very doubtful practices. I can't appreciate their games much anymore either, so I also try to avoid them. I also read that L.A. Noire's Steam port is badly done, so I don't really want to pay for this either.

I only said Assassin's Creed 2 (or the first one is also nice) the problem with big studios is that they create a good new game and if it gets popular then they just make it a franchise releasing new games in series with nothing much new in gameplay or creativity.
Rockstar is big but L. A. Noire is a unique title which is very good.

Ahh yes sound is a crucial part of all games, for Journey it is the core of their gameplay while in case of Assassin's creed 2 sound adds the emotional and historical elements giving the storyline it's uniqueness.

If I list best games on the basis of music and sounds then
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the epic :ablobdundundun:

@mur2501 Love Skyrim, heh. Played the heck out of that one. With a lot of mods. Bethesda is one of the rare studios where I wouldn't mind a game from.. though it does have its limits. Fallout 4 wasn't engaging, and Fallout 76 was something I wasn't interested in at all... and I loved Fallout 3. Bethesda games are really really really buggy as holy fuck, jeez. And they should stick to single player games too.

The gameplay of the Assassin's Creed series is just not for me.

LA Noire did look interesting to me back then as well, but the reviews saying it's buggy is enough for me to stay away. There's so many other games that's fun, so I have no reason to fund a big studio. :P

Is there any game at all that you like where you don't need the sound? :P

I think you can play most of the games without sound, normally sound serve as a tool to make the experience immersive in the game (coz emotions are much more responsive to sounds then visual cues that's why horror movies use sound as the main tool for creating fear) so without sound it's just that tye experience becomes less immersive. Also the first game of my life: GTA Vice City I played it without sound for years coz the game in my dads computer doesn't had sound files. Now when I play it with sound, it feels very weird :blobcatmlem:

@mur2501 I guess that's why I like games with a story. If I can follow the storyline, that can be very immersive to me.

But if you're interested in sound games... there is one that's very nice.. it visualises sound! It's called Devil's Tuning Fork, try it out here:

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