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Meet Fred, aka #PixelFred our mascot. He's been around since June 2018 but many people don't know about him.

designed by @hellcp

@mur2501 Thank you, that is one of the greater compliments I could think to receive.

If there is one thing I learned working with Data Science it is that my assumptions can never be trusted (even if i base my decision on data, there is still that chance of misinterpriting).

So even if I take a position on something I am always very willing (and in fact I try to seek it out) to consider how I could be wrong. Doubly so because I know how crippling confirmation bias can be when unchallenged to ones own growth.

Its a trait I find useful even outside of human interactions. Programming is actually a place I have noticed it alot lately. If something isnt working and im trying to debug it it is common human tendency to make certain assumptions that a variable or part of the code must work a certain way, so you assume its value and that it couldnt possibly be contributing to the issue. This pattern often leads to a difficulty in debugging a problem. I try to assume even the most fundamental assumptions could be wrong, like two numbers adding up to something I expect it to add up to, and when I debug I am not above checking the value of even the variables I feel sure about. All to often I find my assumptions were, in fact, incorrect.

Hello @freemo :ablobcatangel:
Why is that I have a follow request even though my account is not private?? :ablobdundundun:

The power of open source is the power of the people.
✅ Email: Tutanota
✅ Chat: Signal
✅ Office: LibreOffice
✅ Search: DuckDuckGo
✅ Password manager: KeePass
#OpenSource puts you in control. Change your habits, reclaim your privacy! 😀

Me coming back from the book shop but then I remember books are for nerds so I put the book down and go play some minecraft

Dutch People: Holland is not the Netherlands, don't say Holland :blobcatsadlife:

Dutch Tourism ministry: names their website :blobfoxsmirk:

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