Hey, just wanted to chime in here, as a moderator on another server, because we got a report on this. While I don't think this meets the level of any action I can take, I do find it inappropriate that you've conflated Hanukkah with violence.

I understand the frustration with current events, but we need to not conflate the actions of conservatives in the Israeli government with Judaism as a whole, and that's what the menorah symbolizes. For the vast majority of people who celebrate Hanukkah, you've taken a symbol of their religion / culture and connected it to the violent actions of politicians that they may even be in opposition to.

I feel like that's very ethnically insensitive, and I'm going to even say it's legitimately offensive.

Like I said, I don't have anything I can do about it, but I seriously hope you consider taking this down and not posting things like this in the future.


Hi QOTO moderator here. I dont speak your language so forgive me but I cant read the full thread, but I wanted to chime in.

Depending on the message you are trying to send here I find it problematic at best, and potentially racist at worse, and I'm trying to understand which it is.

To be clear if the intended message is "Israel is violent" then I have no problem with that message. If the message is supposed to be "Jews are violent" then that approaches racism, and I'd be quite concerned.

The reason I say this is problematic regardless is because it is hard to infer the intent. Sending an unintentionally racist message can gbe problematic in its own right.

Lets start by clarifying, what was your **intended** message? Also given the potentially racist interpritation is this a meme your willing to take down?


@freemo @Raccoon

Good morning,

From what I see @Raccoon has tried to fool you too.

1 asked me to remove the ironic cartoon from a Spanish digital newspaper arguing that it was offensive to Jews on hanukkah.

2 I replied that, as he could see, it was an anti-Zionist cartoon, not anti-Jewish.

3 He responded by insisting that it was anti-Jewish. Which as I have already explained is not true, as you will have seen the cartoon is anti-Zionist. At this time when the Zionists have murdered almost 16,000 people including almost 6,500 children of the Palestinian Semitic people it seems to me that being pro Zionist like @Raccoon makes him a racist so I have blocked him, he has come to you.

4 I have no problem removing anything posted but if the person asking for it is a Palestinian anti-Semitic racist I have my doubts as I will probably be giving in to racism, which I don't want to do.

Sorry for my English, it's pretty bad and I have to use a translator. I hope I am understood correctly.

I look forward to your reply.
Best regards.

@freemo @Raccoon
Por si la traducción no es buena te lo adjunto en español:

Buenos dias,

Por lo que veo @Raccoon también ha intentado engañarte.

1 me pidió que retirara la viñeta irónica de un diario digital español argumentando que era ofensiva para los judíos en hanukkah.

2 Le contesté que, como pudo comprobar, era una viñeta antisionista, no antijudía.

3 Él respondió insistiendo en que era antijudía. Lo cual, como ya he explicado, no es cierto, ya que, como habrás visto, la viñeta es antisionista. En estos momentos en los que los sionistas han asesinado a casi 16.000 personas incluyendo a casi 6.500 niños del pueblo semita palestino me parece que ser pro sionista como @Raccoon le convierte en racista así que le he bloqueado, por lo que ha acudido a ti.

4 No tengo problema en eliminar nada de lo publicado pero si quien lo pide es un racista antisemita palestino tengo mis dudas ya que probablemente estaré cediendo al racismo, cosa que no quiero hacer.

Perdón por mi inglés, es bastante malo y tengo que usar un traductor. Espero que se me entienda bien.

Espero su respuesta.
Saludos cordiales.

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