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@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

Do you think that the word cope is some kind of magic spell that will make me go away?
What is the purpose of this sentence? What is your intent behind posting this post?

@Eris that it doesn't matter to me what's acceptable for you? How hard is english really... I though it was like one the most simplified languages... you are either playing dumb or so mentally lazy that it's equivalent to playing dumb...

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>that it doesn't matter to me what's acceptable for you?
Well we're not going to accept it so it should start mattering to you.

@Eris finally gonna punch the screen? oh my, I'm shivering...
@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

No I am going to stalk your profile until I can find your address and then plant a pipe bomb under your porch.
Or you can be a good person who is not evil.
@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius When you are bleeding out I want you to try to remember this moment because it is the moment where you could have stopped it at no cost.

@Eris "oh nooo, daddy, i'm good, please don't spank me!" is that what you want? you can just just tell me no kink shaming here...
@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>is that what you want?
No, you gave me an ironic, flippant joke. That is not what I want.

@Eris if that's all you see, that' all you see... but if only you tried a little, maybe you would have seen a little more... @AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>if that's all you see, that' all you see... but if only you tried a little, maybe you would have seen a little more...
There is objectively nothing more to see, and you keep playing this weird faggy game where you pretend there is.
@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
On the contrary, it is extremely worrying, it is the kind of thing that causes genocides of innocent people.

@Eris oh no you afraid I'll genocide you now through Internets? I promise I won't!
@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>oh no you afraid I'll genocide you now through Internets?
Yes, I am afraid that the behavioral sink you have engaged in will genocide me. Yes. Why is that funny to you?

@Eris dunno, cause you sounded like a tough guy, and now you are terrified that my snark will genocide you. A bit funny to me.

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

> dunno, cause you sounded like a tough guy, and now you are terrified that my snark will genocide you.
Because you are a fake person, who never expresses anything honestly, you interpret my statements through that lens.
I was not trying to sound tough. I was telling you what I am going to do, because I fear you will genocide me.
I am being 100% honest with you. I am not joking or exaggerating, and I have not done so throughout this entire thread.

You are evil, and I am going to kill you unless you repent of your sins.

@Eris if a snark can genocide you I wouldn't advice you to try anything that requires any physical activity... that might be a bit too much for you frail body...

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

Condescenscion and a "they are so inferior to us" mentality is exactly what causes genocides. Struggle sessions like the ones you tried to start ITT to get OP to revert to getting back in line with the lemmings is exactly what causes genocides.
Stop trying to diminish it. Stop trying to dismiss it. Stop trying to deflect it.
You are guilty of mistreating people based on lies that you know are lies. You are evil. Face this fact.

@Eris they? I'm talking about you and your sorry ass, and nobody else... well and about AR-15 here occasionally

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
> I'm talking about you and your sorry ass, and nobody else...
Incorrect. You are talking about people who do not buy into the hoax as though they are "bloodthirsty," arguing through every implication that we are unreasonable and rightfully need to be controlled. You are siding with the people OP is talking about.

@Eris you imaginary opponent told you all those things in your wet dreams not me, and not in this thread

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>Otherwise your "omg I crawled out of my cave and barely heard a voice for the first time in years and I'm scared" alarmist BS
Here is a direct quote of you doing exactly what I described.

@Eris in reference to the OPer and the context of the OP, and nobody else and nothing else, you imagined the rest I'm afraid

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

Why would it only be alarmist BS for OP specifically, and no one else?
It's obviously a generalized statement.

@Eris no it is not, it is about OP specifically, someone I talked to before and who I expect to read through my snark, and not pis their pants and start making death treats

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

>no it is not, it is about OP specifically,
Why would you just type an obvious lie like this

@Eris cause according to you I'm insane and evil, what more do you want to deduce about me without reading anything I write?

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
I deduced it by reading what you write.
Maybe you should put more thought into what you write.

@Eris I repeatedly proved that you don;t read it, and you admitted it, by understanding what I say only after the third or fourth time I chewed it up for you. @AR-15 @bonifartius


@Eris to you, even though you will never admit it

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@Eris if I have not, then I can not the moment, so that is that

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@Eris When I try several times and it doesn't work, I decide hat I can't at the moment

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius

You literally decided, from the very start of this thread, that it was a thread that would never be reasonable. You made that happen by expecting it.
You do not think about the consequences of your choices.

@Eris care to complete that tiny quote... oh right you didn't read it fully... how many more proofs do you need?

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>care to complete that tiny quote... oh right you didn't read it fully... how many more proofs do you need?
No, that's not what I'm asking you to care about. Why do you continually divert like this?

@Eris I have no idea what you are even talking about now, just write up exactly what you want me to say, and I'll copy paste it here, cause otherwise my thoughts, even the most primitive appear incomprehensible to you, and I believe that is intentional, and not natural

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
If you did, I would know.
That's how proving something to someone works.

Like I said you don't seem to understand that you are interacting with a person.

@Eris you do know, it's in this thread, you'll just never admit @AR-15 @bonifartius

@Eris Because you are hell bent on proving something to me that I couldn't care less about, and nothing else matters to you

@AR-15 @bonifartius

@namark @AR-15 @bonifartius
>Because you are hell bent on proving something to me that I couldn't care less about, and nothing else matters to you
Why don't you just let it matter to you too? Why does that scare you so much that you keep trying to avoid it?
Just care. You won't get hurt. I promise.
@Eris @bonifartius @namark He doesn't think he is. We are goyim after all.
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