@namark limit traffic and halt the maintenance to all free software, free software components and free hardware designs that play a major role in the russian invasion of ukraine and give anonymous and ukraine army any information that can be used in cyber warfare.
QT: qoto.org/@namark/1079332913394

@kreyren What are you even asking for? To make all free software proprietary? To limit traffic to freaking savannah.gnu.org? Are you capable of ex...

@kreyren and libreplanet is the global monopolist on all internet traffic and code hosting? Do you realize that under the current terms that any piece of free software is distributed, anyone can redistribute it?

@namark i am convinced that just adding all russian IPs, VPNs provider IPs, open-proxies and Tor exit nodes filtering would have a major impact on the war as the only way to access these websites would be to use lokinet that afaik can't be blocked.

I want to be clear that these filterings should be removed after the conflict as i support anonymity and onion-routing.


@kreyren yes and whoever you are talking to is able to add these filters to every server that happens to host some code in the entire world? Very important people these libreplanet folk...

Also nice to know you also haven't a clue how tor works.

@namark the more restrictions to the code for russian army during this conflict the better, libreplanet and *gnu.org having the most impact.

tor provides list of public relays and exit nodes adding these to filtering makes majority of tor connections useless as they won't be able to connect, lokinet does not have this vulnerability

> libreplanet and *gnu.org having the most impact.
sure that's were everyone goes to download software, you nailed it... The only influence libreplanet or FSF have is the licenses that people use, and presenting this rhetoric to them you are pretty much implying that they should change the licenses.

> tor provides list of public relays and exit nodes adding these to filtering makes majority of tor connections useless as they won't be able to connect, lokinet does not have this vulnerability
Oh so you meant to completely shut down tor access to any free software code, for anyone anywhere, not just Russians... galaxy brain, what can I say...

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