@pete I'm pretty psyched, actually. I'm finally starting to get Haskell mindset
@pete doing it in Lean. Two days behind as a result now.
@librelenny@theway.social @gretathunberg oh, what nonsense.
@Digitalyn I'll back you up if you do.
@jbsegal the older term should be reconstitooted.
@trinsec true enough, that I just had a hot take that easily fits in 500 characters. I'm as Twitter-poisoned as anyone, and just as much in need of developing more worthwhile things to say.
My hot take: the next thing Mastodon should do is not just hold to the 64k limit (or raise it) but start evolving the desktop and mobile UIs to encourage longer posts. Twitter and Facebook's pivoting of our brains towards required brevity is a major part of how we all wound up in this hellscape out of Black Mirror. It's time to nudge people back towards normal attention spans.
@nygren Bruce sterling calls these "attention conservation notices".
@gamache otherwise I'm doing in Lean 4 (which is pretty much LiquidHaskell with mathematical notation where appropriate.)
QT @AaronGuhreen@twitter.com:
“Frustrating how New Zealand confirmed the YIMBY thesis correct, literally based their reforms on Scott Wiener’s SB 827, built a ton of housing and saw decreases in real housing costs for households of all incomes but we still talk about this issue like it’s an open question.”
@cshabsin Does it work?