Sure, climate-change-induced droughts are going to be hard on agriculture, but there's a lot of meat on an Arrakeen sandworm. Just sayin'.
@peterdrake Might be a bit too tough though. Let's just start with the smaller versions first...
@peterdrake Is that a song? (I'm deaf ;) )
But yeah.. though we could go a little bit more small still. Mades or something. :D
@trinsec Yes. They sing a traditional camp song including the lyrics:
Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
I'm going to go eat worms
... then they pull out a briefcase of actual worms, start eating them, and are surprised to be thrown off the bus.
"We told them we were going to eat worms. They seemed to like the idea."
@trinsec Everybody else sang along to the song, which is full of gross, childish description of the worm-eating process. It might make sense that the bus riders would find this amusing, thinking back to their childhood camping days. Then the real worms come out.
Not sure why there are no closed captions available on this one; I thought YouTube generated those automatically.
@peterdrake Aaaahhh, that makes more sense yeah!