That said, I remember liking *Murder at the Margin* and the other Henry Spearman "economics professor solves murders with economics" books, so who knows...
@pganssle management fiction is/should be a genre unto itself. I think it started with "The Goal" but I first ran into it with "The Phoenix Project". Probably "out there" incarnation is the Moshidora anime, where an unlikely baseball manager successfully fixes a baseball team using Drucker.
Business people love to set up their idealized selves to perfectly solve their strawman scenarios. :P
@pganssle management fiction is/should be a genre unto itself. I think it started with "The Goal" but I first ran into it with "The Phoenix Project". Probably "out there" incarnation is the Moshidora anime, where an unlikely baseball manager successfully fixes a baseball team using Drucker.
Business people love to set up their idealized selves to perfectly solve their strawman scenarios. :P