@alex Yeah, that's not bad, but the order matters, and nothing I see has light blue on top and dark blue on the bottom.
Plus, this is a rare case where I have a picture of the thing I want. Sometimes I want something like, "A t-shirt with a gradient going from dark red on the bottom to golden yellow on the top, with black trim", and I can't find any examples of it.
@pganssle we may be getting different (regional) results, and/or you want a closer colour match than I guessed. I thought https://www.freemans.com/products/brakeburn-colour-block-polo-shirt/_/A-97D433_S was close enough.
@alex That said, I am not amazingly hopeful about this technology because whenever I ask a question or make a statement to *humans* that has like 3-4 requirements, I get a bunch of suggestions for stuff that is vaguely similar and meets 2 of the requirements.