@rubenbolling drunk Orson Welles is still peculiarly majestic.
@davidallengreen Surely they have to build a dome first, in which they show a brand new sequel to the M. Hulot films on continuous repeat.
@EugeneMcParland I'm sorry, I'm being naive: a "corrupt" official is one who didn't give Putin his cut.
The thing is, I'm not even being satirical, it's the literal truth. Putin's famous corruption trials were about putting oligarchs on notice: "I get half or I use the power of the state to make an example of you."
@EugeneMcParland The distinction between corruption and the expected conduct of the ordinary Russian functionary-turned-oligarch is unclear to all but the most highly trained.
Lots of coyotes in my older Portland neighborhood now. The bunny population exploded in the early pandemic when the streets became quiet, and the coyotes followed, and now the presence of both is the new normal. There's at least one family with lots of pups living on a steep, densely vegetated hillside -- actually someone's yard --near here. People have responded by posting flyers explaining what to expect and how to behave around them.
The neighbors seem very clued in, but the coyotes are _very_ comfortable around people. One crossed with me in the crosswalk at a busy intersection; understood it was safe to go when I did.
Most people are really charmed by them, others feel threatened. I've little doubt that something tragic will happen sooner or later.
Lots of coyotes in my older Portland neighborhood now. The bunny population exploded in the early pandemic when the streets became quiet, and the coyotes followed, and now the presence of both is the new normal. There's at least one family with lots of pups living on a steep, densely vegetated hillside -- actually someone's yard --near here. People have responded by posting flyers explaining what to expect and how to behave around them.
The neighbors seem very clued in, but the coyotes are _very_ comfortable around people. One crossed with me in the crosswalk at a busy intersection; understood it was safe to go when I did.
Most people are really charmed by them, others feel threatened. I've little doubt that something tragic will happen sooner or later.
... I think I see it now. Thanks!
Nah, "foo --help" should display usage; "foo -h" should respond
foo: halting...
Just for fun, because foo's not actually a daemon or anything.
Also, someone explain busybox to me now
@buck @anneapplebaum What they never want to say is that 2 1/2 years into the next term*, Trump will be the same age. Biden is now.
*Harris’ term, that is
@sjuvonen A sudden new restraint and tact about comprehension and cognitive issues as well.
@makerbymistake Curious timing, given that there's so much momentum now in the direction of ARM for traditional x86 space like servers and laptops. If x86 is slipping in those areas it's hard to see why it would gain much share in the low-powered, appliance-like space.
@lerxst @benroyce @billyjoebowers
Vern Troyer would save taxpayers money on Air Force One fuel costs.
Okay, this is me NOT asking "why not Vern Troyer?"
How long before they all converge on a single "Harris is X" narrative, which they'll then beat on to the exclusion of all else for the next 3 1/2months?
Software Engineer, mostly in the Pacific Northwest of late
Medical Informatics - Carrier-Grade Network Video Distribution - Real Time Clinical Telemetry
Formerly: Motorola, Tektronix, Intel, HP, Qualcomm, Nintendo; others you're less likely to have heard of.
Will code for pie. 🥧