@w7voa Coincidentally his valedictory speech was about shooting medical insurance company CEOs.
@ChrisMayLA6 Maybe she should call them "EuroNazis". Because that really went over well when members of the last government did it.
@bruces So rone-ry...🎵
@fulelo All very Arab Spring-y: trading a quasi-secular despot for an Islamic theocracy riven by centuries of factional blood-feuds. A net win if it ends open warfare and diminishes the brutality. IF.
@w7voa I guess Melania and Barron are in a lot of trouble, since she violated the terms of her original visa and never declared it, presumably everything that happened after that WRT her residency and citizenship was based on fraud.
@fulelo One assume he's going to deport Melania for violating the terms of her visa.
@bouriquet @anneapplebaum And not be "woke", AKA no mores more recent than 1645, and no virtues espoused by that lefty freak Jesus.
@Fife4Europe I'm surprised the BBC didn't have him dragged offstage and beaten by goons.
@FourT4 @BashStKid If he became aggressive they should at least give the complete and unblurred footage to the police.
@ccferrie So Romania has the concept of an unsafe result, as do Switzerland and Ireland. It's a shame that the UK and the US do not. Evidently "mature democracies" are incapable of believing that the electorate can be misled, regardless of any amount of evidence.
I think it's because the US and UK treat democracy as a religion rather than a practice. If it were the latter, it'd be subject to reasoned evaluation and review, whereas the former is a matter of faith and to challenge it in any instance is heresy.
#Russia search engine query statistics (I suspect Yandex, judging from the colour scheme) for November 2024:
how to send a husband to SMO - 966
how to send a husband to the SMO without his consent - 198
how to send an ex-husband on SMO - 86
how to send a husband on SMO forum - 51
As you can see, the initiative to improve the material status of the family with an ‘one-way ticket’ does not always have to come from the head of the family, even in a patriarchal country like Russia 😉
@WhiteCatTamer @Axomamma @veedems @pkprotoplasm @jawarajabbi @w7voa
Yeah, that was an insta-block.
@Fife4Europe Yes but Will Of The People, amirite?
@bruces It's like being asked to wash the dishes when you didn't even get any of the food.
@w7voa Cue [screams of redistributionist outrage from right wingers who''ve suddenly and briefly somehow become ardent socialists]
@w7voa True to form as ever. Every agency headed by someone violently opposed to the agency's very purpose. The interesting times, they approach.
@fulelo One assumes he's a crime lord.
@bruces This already happens at football matches, where fans of the opposing team use the concentrated rays of green lasers to try to incinerate the striker.
@bruces It's pretty much a wash
Software Engineer, mostly in the Pacific Northwest of late
Medical Informatics - Carrier-Grade Network Video Distribution - Real Time Clinical Telemetry
Formerly: Motorola, Tektronix, Intel, HP, Qualcomm, Nintendo; others you're less likely to have heard of.
Will code for pie. 🥧