@freemo @Surasanji Cheater.
@commandelicious @hadret I really liked Lost in Space! However, it's really soft sci-fi, and in an alternative world there might have been a spin-off called Lost on Sea.
@commandelicious @absolutus and I love you. But the kitten more. 🤷♂️
@commandelicious @absolutus No. The kitten is mine now.
@commandelicious best part of the complete series, hands down.
@InvaderXan @spinflip Thank you for the ongoing effort! This one in particular looks like the RPG I'd like to play.
@commandelicious @absolutus good, so the kitten is up for grabs?
@commandelicious I guess you have already seen Altered Carbon? Enjoyable, but not so deep as I hoped.
@InvaderXan As a follow up on @spinflip's question: is there a large body of graphical art?
@freemo Now gtf to bed and claim your deserved rest ;) no replies, boosts or favs anymore, only self care!
@freemo you've done great already and everybody needs some time off. Take care of yourself!
@commandelicious @Surasanji @Jamest @freemo Can't say much about .de's cityscaping, but we have some pearls, also from ye olde days. Take a look at the stronghold of Naarden:
@commandelicious @Surasanji @Jamest @freemo And typical non-Flevolander Dutch advice would be: don't visit Almere/Lelystad. It's ugly af. Almere even won the Ugliest Place of the Netherlands election in 2008.
Dutch news article: https://www.trouw.nl/home/almere-verkozen-tot-lelijkste-plek-van-nederland~a94a947c/
@commandelicious @Surasanji @Jamest @freemo More amazing are the Oostvaardersplassen, a nature reserve in Flevoland that has been "rewilded". Note that it hasn't ever been land before, but now it attracts even white-tailed eagles.
Such typical Dutch birds *cough*
Robotics lecturer, TT/RPG enthusiast, cat dad.