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“Responsible research assessment should prioritize theory development and testing over ticking open science boxes”

New preprint comments on proposals to change hiring and promotion in psychology to become more oriented to open science.

Few quotes follow: 🧵👉


This slide is from a talk I gave at an OSF symposium a few years back. It's still relevant and I think we should have prioritized, we should still prioritize, the set of issues on the right over those on the left. But I would now want to add measurement on the right side as well.

And a clarification: My prioritization is not because I think right side issues are more important (which I do) but because fixing the left ones won't make much of a difference until the right side makes sense.

Our work on the theoretical foundations of results reproducibility is out at #RSOS and is open access. We dissect the relationship between open science, replication experiments, and reproducible results and challenge many deep-seated assumptions. We specifically show why meaningful replications need to be based on deeper theoretical understanding and stronger empirical foundations.

Conclusion: We need to design better experiments. For that, we need a theoretical understanding of what an experiment is and does.

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@danhon I see you’re a man that also has good taste in mice 👀


I think that’s a fair summary:
Looking for at the “reported p-values around 0.05” is a flawed process because:

1) It assumes different scientific process than really happen

2) it has especially and tendency to flag slightly biased reports that are not problematic

3) there is too much trust in simulation

Do you agree?
I’m trying to make sure I understand.

I do not want Slack to provide a probabilistic summary of what I said. I don't want notion to guess what I'm going to say. I want to choose my words with clarity and precision in mind, and if people want me to take the time to read what they've written I would hope that they've taken the time to choose their words too

And I really want to take my words out of training data sets

“The single most important problem with null hypothesis testing is that it provides researchers with no incentive to develop precise hypotheses. To perform a significance test, one need not specify the predictions of either one’s own research hypothesis or those of alternative hypotheses”
(Gerd Gigerenzer 1993)

not reproducible ≠ wrong/false/fluke
reproducible ≠ true

not reproducible ≠ poor science
reproducible ≠ good science

reproducibility of results is not a reliable indicator of truth or research quality or epistemic progress.

@lakens @david_colquhoun
In my opinion there are more important questions, like, how to prevent harm that people like Rowling cause.

I think the calculus of #RegisteredReports might have flipped in a #SurveillancePublishing APC-driven #OpenAccess world.

Subscription models meant that a journal could command a high price by being in high demand in a self-reinforcing cycle where since most libraries subscribed to them then they would have high readership, etc. Multiply that by the power of bundling or whatever. Libraries being a conduit could tell who read what and tailor subscriptions accordingly. actual loss of readership could impact subscription cost during negotiations, so null results are less attractive because they command fewer readers and citations and whatnot. publication bias ensues. the classic story.

in an APC world, where the profit is derived from authors willing to directly pay more for the attendant view count and citation, the registered report is instead more like a commitment to pay at some future time to publish. if the prices keep going up, the journal effectively invests in your need to publish as a security.

this is doubly perverse in a surveillance publishing system, where the publishers operate paper recommendation and rating systems linked to funding and employment decisions. in that case, they can just manufacture the view count and citation - and even literal "scientific value score" - as a function of APC price, so null results aren't even a problem since the exclusivity-prestige link is partially dissolved.

I wonder if causes for publication bias could have changed substantially enough that registered reports could backfire as a means of combating publication bias. Since the primary filter is the perceived importance of a piece of work - assuming the authors could pass some competency and design check normal to the field - which is most likely to be at least partially evaluated by the same system of self-fulfilling metrics used in the recommendation/scoring systems for funders and employers, they might directly reinforce hype cycles. couple that again with the prestige gradient model of APC pricing where one publisher owns many Journals at different prestige levels and can bounce you down the ladder to one with a lower but still high APC.

Journals then would then be effectively sorting papers by APC according to the propensity for views/citations, regardless of outcome. It's sort of a combination of payola and security. plz lmk where I'm missing something here bc not just trying to shit on the parade.

📢 Yes we can! Only 19 more # researchers' signatures are needed for the #PCIManifesto to reach 🌟 the symbolic threshold of 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣! Spread the word! #openedu #openscience #openaccess

and less rigorous researchers. It's a failed system. I don't believe in peer review at all because it's a relic from a corrupt system that glorifies individual research paper and oversimplifies science to a handful of results. There's so much to dismantle.

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Peer review? Every time I read your research, I am the peer. I read, process, think, evaluate, decide what to do with it. I can choose to ignore it, challenge it, use it, improve upon it, etc. That's the work, no? We each are peer reviewers when we engage with others' work. We don't need journal involvement for peer review to happen. We can't rely on a few random and anonymous reviewers to do our job either. Outsourcing this basic part of research process has only turned us into lazier readers >

Elon Musk, Twitter & die Pressefreiheit 

Stell dir vor du bezahlst auch noch einen Clown wie #Musk dafuer, dass er freie Berichterstattung zensiert 😅

ZDF Frontal? Waren das nicht die, die auch immer mal wieder kritisch ueber die #Tesla Shitshow in Gruenheide berichtet haben?

Free Speech my ass!

Sorry fuer den Mini-Rant. Bin gerade angewidert.

@david_colquhoun @lakens

I’m quite sure that I agree with you. But, in my opinion, it’s problem with lack of rigour and putting too much confidence in “statistical ritual” than p-value itself. Let me provide some example:

1) We are using p-value to detect candidate genes in some traits, like depression, anxiety, intelligence…

2) We can conduct some meta-analysis of such analysis, to make sure that candidate gene has effect, and obtain some “satisfying low p-value”, like p = .00002 (σ > 4) and based on these results to conclude that we have strong evidence for effect.

Point “2)” is wrong, and there is a little evidence in it, but I think, that using p-value to detect “candidates” is defendable. Or, at least, I’m not aware of any better method.

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