@daviddelven it's in the development branch enhance-properties on GitHub; one has to build Logseq from sources including that branch to get it but it's not worth it now since it's very WIP
@post Ok. Interesting. We'll see how the local approach based on markdown survives once a deeper and stro ger Graph DB oriented behaviour is growing.
I don't see a threat especially if Logseq will let us copy the results of a query as Markdown text (now it's possible only with logseq-query command line tool)
not in the official release. It seems to be a EDN based prototype - see Tienson Qin's tweet about it https://mobile.twitter.com/tiensonqin/status/1589921251480702977
Tienson said recently that EDN format is just a personal experiment to improve performance and they don't know if it will be made available in Logseq, so I doubt they introduced these WIP Properties 2.0 on a public branch if they depend on EDN.
I highly doubt Logseq will introduce a feature that require you to save notes as EDN.
@post @logseq Is that open to regular users?