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### Types of Bitcoin addresses and their historical development

There are several types of addresses in Bitcoin, each of which has its own characteristics and affects transaction costs. The main types of addresses are:

1. **P2PKH (Pay-to-PubKey-Hash)**:
- **Format**: Starts with "1."
- Example: `1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa`.
- **Features**: The oldest and most common type of address. Uses a public key hash.
- History**: Introduced in the early stages of Bitcoin. It has been widely used since the launch of the network.

2. **P2SH (Pay-to-Script-Hash)**:
- **Format**: Starts with a "3."
- Example: `3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy`.
- **Features**: The address indicates the hash of the script. Used for multisig, time-lock and other complex scripts.
- History: Introduced in 2012 with BIP 16. Popularized due to multisig.

3. **Bech32 (P2WPKH, P2WSH)**:
- **Format**: Begins with "bc1."
- Example: `bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf7z25`.
- **Features**: Uses witnesses for Segregated Witness (SegWit) transactions. Provides lower fees and better security.
- History: Introduced in 2017 with BIP 173. Widely used after the activation of SegWit.

### Dependence of transaction costs on address types

1. **P2PKH**:
- **Commissions**: Higher than other types because scripts take up more space on the blockchain.
- Reason**: Transactions contain more data due to the full hash of the public key and signature.

2. **P2SH**:
- Fees: Usually lower than P2PKH, but can be higher if the scripts are complex.
- Reason**: Uses a hash of the script, which can be shorter, but depends on the complexity of the implemented script (e.g. multisig).

3. **Bech32 (P2WPKH, P2WSH)**:
- **Commissions**: The lowest among all address types.
- Reason**: SegWit allows you to separate witness data, reducing the size of transactions and, consequently, fees. Bech32 addresses are optimized to reduce the amount of data.

### Historical development and impact on fees

- **Before SegWit (2017)**:
- The main types of addresses were P2PKH and P2SH. Fees were higher due to the larger amount of data in transactions.

- **After SegWit (2017)**:
- The introduction of Bech32 addresses significantly reduced transaction fees by optimizing transaction size.

- **Pre SegWit**:
- Ensured the separation of signatures (witnesses) from the main transaction data, reducing the size of transactions and increasing the efficiency of blockchain use.

### Advantages and disadvantages

- **P2PKH**:
- **Advantages**: Simplicity, compatibility with all wallets.
- Cons: Higher fees.

- P2SH**:
- Pros: Flexibility (support for complex scripts, multisig).
- Cons: There may be higher commissions if the scripts are complex.

- BCH32:
- Advantages: Lower commissions, improved security, reduced errors when entering addresses.
- Disadvantages: Not all old wallets support Bech32.

### Conclusion.

The choice of address type can significantly affect transaction costs. Bech32 addresses provide the lowest fees due to the optimization introduced with SegWit. P2PKH and P2SH addresses are still in use, but they are less efficient in terms of fees. By switching to Bech32, users can significantly reduce their transaction costs.
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**Headline:** Population Exodus: Belgorod Region Leads in Russia Amid Ukraine Shelling

**Keywords:** Belgorod region, Russia, Ukraine, population flight, shelling, migration, war, Rosstat, evacuation, small businesses, Federal Tax Service

- The report provides statistical data from Rosstat indicating a significant shift in population dynamics in the Belgorod region, from being a destination for migrants to experiencing a population outflow, attributed to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
- It highlights the impact of shelling on the region's demographics, economy, and social life, citing firsthand accounts of residents and entrepreneurs.
- The article includes data from the Federal Tax Service regarding the decline in small business employment, indicating economic repercussions due to the population exodus.
- It emphasizes the severity of shelling incidents in the Belgorod region, with a high number of casualties and extensive property damage reported.
- The report presents a range of perspectives, including those of local residents, businessmen, and authorities, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

**Approximate Percentage of Misrepresentation:** 5% - The report relies on statistical data and firsthand accounts, but there may be minor discrepancies in the interpretation of the situation.

**Semantic Analysis:** 30 - The tone of the report is predominantly negative, reflecting the dire consequences of the population exodus and the impact of shelling on the region's residents and businesses.

**Editorial Opinion:** The report effectively conveys the gravity of the situation in the Belgorod region, highlighting the multifaceted challenges arising from the conflict in Ukraine. However, it could benefit from providing more context on efforts to address the humanitarian and economic fallout and potential solutions to mitigate further damage.

The Belgorod region, once a hub for migration influx, now faces a stark reality as it leads in population flight amidst ongoing shelling from Ukraine. Rosstat data reveals a drastic shift, with the region experiencing a significant outflow of residents since the onset of the conflict. The impact is palpable, with dwindling streetscapes and economic setbacks affecting small businesses. Despite efforts to evacuate and provide temporary shelter, the region grapples with the aftermath of relentless shelling, resulting in casualties and extensive property damage. Urgent attention is needed to address the humanitarian and economic challenges faced by the affected population.

The plight of the Belgorod region underscores the human toll and economic strain inflicted by the conflict in Ukraine. Immediate measures are imperative to support affected residents and businesses, while concerted efforts towards peace and stability in the region are essential to prevent further devastation.

**Links Knowledge:** The article sheds light on the localized impact of the Ukraine conflict on neighboring Russian regions, highlighting the interconnectedness of geopolitical events and their repercussions on communities.


The Belgorod region has become the leader in Russia in terms of population flight due to shelling in Ukraine
By The Moscow Times Russian Service www.moscowtimes.ru2 min
May 16, 2024
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During two years of war, the Belgorod region, bordering Ukraine, turned from the leading Russian region in terms of population influx into the leader in its flight.

Before the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the region annually attracted about 50 thousand new residents and in terms of migration growth - the ratio of those who arrived and left - in terms of a thousand people in 2019-2021, it was even ahead of Moscow, writes Vestka, citing Rosstat data.

However, in 2022–2023, the region became the leader in population outflow. Already in the first year of the war, Rosstat recorded that 11 thousand more people left the region than arrived. And in 2023, the number of people leaving the region was 27% higher than in pre-war 2021. At the same time, only those who deregistered are included in official statistics.

Last year, people left the region in evacuation mode. Thus, in the border Grayvoronsky district, out of 26 thousand residents, only 1.5 thousand remained. Also, according to Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov, 3.5 thousand children and about a thousand adults were transported to temporary accommodation centers in other regions.

The regional center, the city of Belgorod, also seems to have “died out,” although most of its residents have not left, says local businessman Dmitry. “I’m now in the center of Belgorod. The alley, where couples used to walk, ride scooters and bicycles, is empty. There are four times fewer people on the streets,” he says.

It is the departure of the population that interviewed entrepreneurs call the most destructive consequence of the shelling - they lose both clients and workers.

According to the Federal Tax Service, the number of employees in small businesses in the Belgorod region decreased to 63.7 thousand people by April 2024. This is two thousand fewer people than in 2021, but due to the prevalence of informal employment in small businesses and the service sector, not all layoffs are taken into account by the tax authorities.

After the start of the war, the Belgorod region was the most affected by shelling from Ukraine. From 2023, their number reaches 300–400 per month. This is approximately 10 times more than in neighboring border regions. This situation is due to the fact that Belgorod and Shebekino are located closest to the Russian-Ukrainian border.

From the beginning of the war to the end of April 2024, 141 people died from shelling in the Belgorod region, calculated . According to local authorities, more than five thousand apartments and private houses were damaged by shelling in Belgorod, and more than seven thousand in border areas.

The Wall Street Journal: three weeks before the start of the war, Russia launched into space a device with components of a nuclear anti-satellite weapon
meduza.io2 min
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In early February 2022, Russia launched a device into space carrying components of an anti-satellite nuclear weapons system, The Wall Street Journal writes, citing anonymous American officials.

The device, called Kosmos 2553, was launched on February 5, three weeks before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Its launch was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense and Roscosmos , but little was said about the purpose of the satellite in the releases - only that it is equipped with systems for testing “under conditions of exposure to radiation and heavy charged particles.”

WSJ interlocutors consider the Russian side’s statements about the purpose of launching the device to be implausible and say that it was launched as part of the Russian nuclear anti-satellite program.

As the WSJ writes, the Cosmos-2553 satellite does not actually carry a nuclear charge, but it does carry non-nuclear components of the new Russian weapons system. If deployed, Moscow could use a nuclear explosion to destroy hundreds of satellites in low Earth orbit “in a part of space dominated by the US government and SpaceX,” the WSJ writes.

One source called the satellite a "prototype" weapon, but others say the Russian program has not progressed that far. “Cosmos-2553” is still moving around the Earth in an “unusual orbit,” writes WSJ.

In mid-February, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner warned of a "serious threat to the national security" of the country and demanded that US President Joe Biden "declassify all information" related to this threat.

CNN and Reuters reported that the threat Turner mentioned was related to Russia and "space operations." ABC News clarified that Russia plans to place nuclear weapons in space. According to the WSJ, the Russian anti-satellite program was the reason for this discussion in Congress. The White House soon announced that Russia was implementing a “disturbing” anti-satellite capability, noting, however, that anti-satellite weapons had not yet been deployed and therefore did not yet pose a real threat.

Pure Acetone  
**Headline:** Russia Launches Device with Components of Anti-Satellite Nuclear Weapon into Space Weeks Before Ukraine Invasion **Keywords:** Russia...

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico has been shot five times in an assassination attempt in the town of Handlova. In a video, the Prime Minister can be seen approaching a group of citizens to shake hands, when one citizen suddenly aims a handgun at the PM and fires five shots.

Robert Fico was immediately transferred by helicopter to F. D. Roosevelt University Hospital in the City of Banská. Deputive Prime Minister Tomáš Taraba says, Robert Fico’s condition is “not life-threatening”.

**Headline:** Russia Launches Device with Components of Anti-Satellite Nuclear Weapon into Space Weeks Before Ukraine Invasion

**Keywords:** Russia, space, anti-satellite weapon, nuclear, Cosmos-2553, Wall Street Journal, House Intelligence Committee, national security, Joe Biden, CNN, Reuters, ABC News, White House

- The report presents information based on anonymous American officials' statements regarding Russia's launch of the Cosmos-2553 satellite carrying components of an anti-satellite nuclear weapons system.
- It highlights discrepancies between the Russian Ministry of Defense's statements and the interpretation of American officials regarding the satellite's purpose, indicating a potential lack of transparency.
- The report mentions that while the Cosmos-2553 satellite doesn't contain a nuclear charge, it carries non-nuclear components of a new Russian weapons system, emphasizing the potential threat posed by such technology.
- It quotes House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner's concerns about the national security threat posed by Russia's space operations and calls for the declassification of related information by President Joe Biden.
- Various news sources, including CNN, Reuters, and ABC News, corroborate the discussion surrounding Russia's anti-satellite program and its potential implications for global security.
- The White House acknowledges Russia's anti-satellite capability as "disturbing" but clarifies that such weapons have not been deployed yet.

**Approximate Percentage of Misrepresentation:** 10% - The report relies heavily on statements from anonymous sources and lacks direct confirmation from Russian authorities regarding the purpose of the Cosmos-2553 satellite.

**Semantic Analysis:** 50 - The tone of the report is neutral, presenting factual information without significant emotional bias.

**Editorial Opinion:** The report provides valuable insights into Russia's space activities and the potential security ramifications of its anti-satellite program. However, it could benefit from more balanced representation by including perspectives from Russian officials or experts in the field.

Russia launched the Cosmos-2553 satellite carrying components of an anti-satellite nuclear weapons system into space three weeks prior to the invasion of Ukraine, as reported by The Wall Street Journal based on statements from anonymous American officials. The satellite, although lacking a nuclear charge, raises concerns about Russia's intentions and the global security implications. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner has called for transparency regarding this threat, urging President Joe Biden to declassify relevant information. The White House acknowledges the disturbing nature of Russia's anti-satellite capability but clarifies that such weapons have yet to be deployed.

The launch of the Cosmos-2553 satellite underscores the escalating tensions surrounding space militarization and highlights the need for international dialogue and transparency in addressing such threats. It is imperative for policymakers to engage in constructive discussions to mitigate the risks posed by emerging technologies in space.

**Links Knowledge:** The article provides insights into the evolving dynamics of space warfare and its potential impact on global security, reflecting the growing importance of space as a domain for geopolitical competition.


The Wall Street Journal: three weeks before the start of the war, Russia launched into space a device with components of a nuclear anti-satellite weapon
meduza.io2 min
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In early February 2022, Russia launched a device into space carrying components of an anti-satellite nuclear weapons system, The Wall Street Journal writes, citing anonymous American officials.

The device, called Kosmos 2553, was launched on February 5, three weeks before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Its launch was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense and Roscosmos , but little was said about the purpose of the satellite in the releases - only that it is equipped with systems for testing “under conditions of exposure to radiation and heavy charged particles.”

WSJ interlocutors consider the Russian side’s statements about the purpose of launching the device to be implausible and say that it was launched as part of the Russian nuclear anti-satellite program.

As the WSJ writes, the Cosmos-2553 satellite does not actually carry a nuclear charge, but it does carry non-nuclear components of the new Russian weapons system. If deployed, Moscow could use a nuclear explosion to destroy hundreds of satellites in low Earth orbit “in a part of space dominated by the US government and SpaceX,” the WSJ writes.

One source called the satellite a "prototype" weapon, but others say the Russian program has not progressed that far. “Cosmos-2553” is still moving around the Earth in an “unusual orbit,” writes WSJ.

In mid-February, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner warned of a "serious threat to the national security" of the country and demanded that US President Joe Biden "declassify all information" related to this threat.

CNN and Reuters reported that the threat Turner mentioned was related to Russia and "space operations." ABC News clarified that Russia plans to place nuclear weapons in space. According to the WSJ, the Russian anti-satellite program was the reason for this discussion in Congress. The White House soon announced that Russia was implementing a “disturbing” anti-satellite capability, noting, however, that anti-satellite weapons had not yet been deployed and therefore did not yet pose a real threat.

The Wall Street Journal: за три недели до начала войны Россия запустила в космос аппарат с компонентами ядерного антиспутникового оружия — Meduza

Володін: використання західної зброї по цілях у Росії призведе до "катастрофи світового масштабу"

Спікер російської Держдуми В'ячеслав Володін висловив у телеграмі стурбованість спробами депутатів Верховної ради України переконати Вашингтон у необхідності використання американської зброї для ударів по російській території.

"Цей шлях веде до трагедії, яка може торкнутися всього людства", - попереджає ( Володін.

"Будь-яке використання американської та європейської зброї для нанесення ударів по мирних містах Російської Федерації вимагатиме застосування потужнішої зброї, щоб захистити громадян нашої країни", - написав спікер російського парламенту, який попередив країни Заходу про "катастрофу світового масштабу".

🔥Учимся Покупать и Переводить HIVE c Биржы на Аккаунт🔥 | PeakD

Vladimir Korolev on X: "@Q0MT6pFmbVqynsM "Дарите женщинам цветы. Не только в праздники, - Как водится, А средь забот и суеты Дарите женщинам цветы - Не то пырнут - не поздоровится" 🤷‍♂️" / X

Четверо граждан Индии арестованы по подозрению в том, что они заманивали индийцев на войну в Украине, предлагая им работать или учиться в России

Индийское Центральное бюро расследований (ЦБР) сообщило, что жертвами арестованных стали около 35 граждан страны.

По данным СМИ, этим людям обещали высокую зарплату и получение российского гражданства, при этом утверждалось, что брать в руки оружие им не придется.

Родственники попавших на фронт граждан Индии рассказывали журналистам, что их близкие рассчитывали получить военные должности, не связанные с участием в боевых действиях. Вместо этого их обучили обращению с автоматами и отправили на фронт в Украине, писали СМИ.

По данным агентства AFP, в Украине погибли по меньшей мере два гражданина Индии, которых вынудили воевать в составе российских сил.

ЦБР сообщает, что в числе арестованных — работавший в России переводчик, человек, который занимался оформлением виз и покупкой авиабилетов, а также два «главных вербовщика», работавших в южных индийских штатах Керала и Тамилнад.

Как передает Reuters, МИД Индии «в решительных выражениях» поднимало этот вопрос с российскими властями. Москва не ответила на многочисленные просьбы этого агентства прокомментировать ситуацию.

Индийская спецслужба пишет, что арестованные были частью «международной сети по нелегальной перевозке людей» и расследование продолжается.

Ранее МИД Индии сообщал, что работает над возвращением на родину около 20 граждан страны, находящихся в составе российской армии.

В марте ЦБР сообщило о раскрытии сети агентов, вербовавших граждан страны в российскую армию для участия в войне в Украине под предлогом выгодной работы.

Ранее Би-би-си удалось найти ( мужчину из штата Уттар-Прадеш, находившегося в Москве. Он рассказал, что в Россию его зазвали через ютуб-канал, где обещали работу с зарплатой в 150 тысяч рупий (1813 долларов) в месяц.

Уоррен Баффет сравнил угрозу дипфейков с ядерным оружием

ФБР установило личность создателя программы-вымогателя LockBit - Bits Media

🕯️Died a hero defending Ukraine: Ukrainian double European champion weightlifter Oleksandr Pielieshenko has been killed in the war against Russia, the Ukrainian weightlifting federation announced on Monday.

Pielieshenko, 30, won European gold in 2016 and 2017, and narrowly missed out on a medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics where he came fourth in the 85kg category.

Ukraine's national weightlifting coach Victor Slobodianiuk said Pielieshenko had "died a hero defending Ukraine."

Pielieshenko joined the Ukrainian army in February 2022 at the start of the Russian invasion, noted the Ukrainian Olympic Committee.

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