Today, I will opt out of any #MDPI email communication. Yet another email asking to peer review work that's clearly out of my expertise was the drop that filled the bucket.
Not to speak about the perpetuum mobile giving you vouchers for publishing your own work after you have reviewed something.
Not to speak about the insane amount of "special issues", one of which I was recently asked to co-edit while there's an ongoing one on exactly the same topic edited by a colleague.
No more words needed when you see the attached figure which I shamelessly stole from this fantastic article recommended by a friend.
Disclaimer: I'm not saying there's nothing wrong re: publishing culture in science in general but #MDPI is really pushing it here
And I think here might be the original author of the linked blog post:
@quantumsensing Thanks for the interesting and thoughtful blog post in the link.
@frederiksen @quantumsensing I've had a vague feeling I've never out into words, but "Scientists are by and large puzzled by MDPI" (from the blog post) articulates it with uncanny accuracy
update: yo, #MDPI, you're missing the option to select "never again"