So after a bit of tweaking I finished my AR-15 CQC (Close Quarter Combat). The main issue with the old configuration was the Monstrum 3X had really poor eye-boxing and the color was off.
Changes from the earlier configuration:
* replaced the Monstrum 3x magnifier with a Sig Sauer Juliet3 flip-to-side magnifier
* Added hybrid 3-point sling
* Moved red dot and juliet3 closer to the eye giving it priority over the 45 degree backup irons in terms of placement
* Removed fingershelf from 45 degree fore grip.
@freemo I realise that images of, and discussion about weaponry is probably normalised in your experience - but to many, myself included, it is not something that belongs in a STEM-oriented instance.
As moderator, can I suggest that you should be seeing a good example and marking these posts as "sensitive"? Pretty please?
@raymondlesley Are you suggesting the instance shouldnt allow non-stem topics being posting in the plain? Im confused, what new rule are you proposing?
@freemo not suggesting any rules - I had just expected that you would mark images of guns in particular as sensitive. I'm not sure why you're resistant to the idea.
I'd overlooked the fact that I can filter - I've not used that before.. I'll give it a go.
@raymondlesley I am not resistsnt to the idea. I am tryi g to figure out the logic here.. what sorts of things do you feel shoukd be marked sensative by someone wishing to set a good example?
@freemo as I said: images of guns
@raymondlesley I dont think your understanding the question... what guidlines shoukd one use to decide if somethibg shoukd be marked sensative. You suggest images of guns be one of the things I mark sensative. I am willing to consider that.. the question is why and how woukd that logic apply to other things? Whats the logical criteria we are applying here.
@freemo oh, I see now. I'm not thinking in terms of defining a criteria beyond "images containing guns". I guess we could be more specific and say "firearms". I assume you already have similar expectations around members posting images containing nudity, "gore" and/or injury detail?
Btw: I can't see how to filter. Tusky's got an option - but it just errors. I can't find the option on
@raymondlesley You can simply filter out hte hashtag guns if you wish:
finding something offensive in and of itself isnt a good enough reason IMO. would you find it acceptable if you were asked to add a content warning to anything someone found offensive, even if you disagreed? Probably not, and it isnt a workable expectation. I am happy to be polite on an individual basis, but we are talking about my feed and whatI choose to share with my friends and followers here.