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A clear and comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the enhancer field.


Question for people working with gene expression data from multiple populations: is there a way to control for neutral structure when looking for differentially expressed genes? E.g. determine expression differences among populations above that expected by genetic drift? Please boost!

RT @johanna_gassler
How is the embryonic chromatin activated?

I am happy to share our findings on how Nr5a2 acts as a pioneer factor during the murine zygotic genome activation @ScienceMagazine #ScienceResearch

Together with @WataKobayashi, @SiwatChad
& Imre Gáspár.

Really interesting read from - Piezo2 helps neurons sense passage of food through the gut


An elegant use of dual reporter assays and scRNA-seq to carefully unpick exquisite cell-type specific activities of retinal enhancers for PAX6. Congratulations to all involved!


Our team is hiring ! We are looking for three postdoctoral researchers in the field of atomic force microscopy #AFM, single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy (#smFRET) and #DNAorigami.
More info & application process here.

Please spread the info !


Apply now. Our lab is hiring to work on exciting projects at the interface of gene regulation, 3D genomics and carcinogenesis.



When I get asked … but are your findings applicable genome-wide?..I always respond by illustrating the general principles Doug has revealed by studying one locus- alpha globin. An inspiration.


RT It’s been policy since the last round of strikes. Here is QMUL’s FAQs. During the marking boycott I lost my entire July paycheck, deducting more than I ever would have been paid for the marking - effectively meaning I wasn’t fully paid for work I did during the previous term.



Our collaborative work was just published! Congrats Koizumi-san! Utx, a histone demethylase, regulates proper brain development and its knockout induces ventriculomegaly, and postnatal death.


About time for an . My research group at the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford uses techniques and Genome Architecture Mapping to study and in rare .

I (He/Him) love to be outside or and I’m a big fan of travel. Interested in issues in STEM, trying to read and educate myself to be a better ally.

Toot at me with your theories!


1/Pre-print 📢! Rewiring of the #enhancer landscape and #3Dgenome in #glioblastoma orchestrates gene expression changes underlying neuron-to-glioma synapse communication. Major actors involved: #SMAD3 #PITX1 regulatory networks. Read tweetorial⬇️


Boost this toot if you're planning on sticking around Mastodon whether or not it becomes more popular than the birdsite.

I’m looking for grad students for 2023. Projects related to cell-free placental DNA dynamics, (Epi)genomics, and placental dysfunction. Projects are computational. See website for details about lab, also pls RT (

@IFPA_Official @SRIWomensHealth


Happy to share our latest, online In order to form different cell types, stem cell systems need to drive cell-to-cell variation in gene expression. But do the instructions always come from outside the cell, or can they be self-encoded? If so, how? (1/10)



If someone in tech writes a book about how to be a rock star manager and they _don't_ talk about systemic inequality, about the fact that HR's job is to protect the company's interests (not yours), about employment rights, or about what to do when people above you are misbehaving, you really have to wonder what else they are blind to or have chosen to leave out because it would make their Y Combinator buddies feel uncomfortable.
Should have used the brown highlighter for this one…

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Qoto Mastodon

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