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If I am offered the jab this year I will refuse it on the grounds that there are billions of people that need it before I do. Vaccinating our young and healthy whilst the rest of the world struggles to vaccinate their front line workers and those most at risk is both counter productive, because mutations will continue to crop up, and devoid of any morality Deliberately Playing Copyrighted Music to Avoid Being Live-Streamed: “Clever, really, and an illustration of the problem with context-free copyright enforcement.” I disagree. The problem is not with copyright enforcement, after all a company has a right to take down anything it wants for almost any reason. The problem is that YouTube has a near monopoly of online video. Why are a handful of social media companies the gatekeepers to fair and equal justice under the law? “The real ugly (sic) with SVG is how frequently we request SVGs from designers or companies and they hand us an SVG file that contains nothing but a base64 encoded PNG image.” — Am just lost for words

I find the stories of people travelling on holidays and flying to see family in the middle of a pandemic absolutely outrageous. I’ve not seen my parents nor my partner in over a year. So what if they have to cover the cost of isolating in a hotel, they should be thankful that I’m not running the show where they’d be spending the rest of this bloody pandemic in a prison cell

“There was an audible gasp in the room when the images appeared of a Capitol Police officer firing a single fatal gunshot”, “Some were seeing many of the images for the first time.” — how are the senators and journalists only seeing some of this footage for the first time? How are they shocked to the point of gasping? I know exactly how this played out from an ocean away. They were there, and they’re passing judgement on the ringleader. Bizarre.

The British royal family maintain certain privileges under the assumption they can be trusted to not abuse them. Looks like we’ve all been made a fool off. Parliament needs to move immediately to revoke this whole Queen’s consent mess. Never have I felt more

Yes, because he’s clearly incapable of representing his constituents without a piece of cloth tied around his neck. How absurd and demeaning to people of other cultures there are 50 results for this search, you can view them in pages of 24 or 48, because reasons…

Here’s a thing surprisingly few programmers seem to get: there’s a difference between a number and a string that happens to only contain digits. If it doesn’t make sense to add two such things together then it’s the latter and not the former; think ID numbers, ISBNs, credit card numbers, and the like

In attendance of the funeral of the unknown soldier there were 100 women who had lost their husband and all their sons to the First World War — just a stunning fact

rlamacraft boosted

🐦This is a cross-post from Twitter, its contents might suck🐦 

RT @ben_a_adams
Not sure the UK's government's cabinet are the best of their generation... 🙄

"UK Can't Close Its Border Because It's An Island 'Unlike Australia', Says Grant Shapps"

Nutmeg deserves better than “that Christmas spice”. It goes well in everything from mac-and-cheese to rice pudding to quiche. It’s an all-year all-round delicious addition to any dish and has simply become unfashionable. It was beloved by people around the world for centuries, and then mostly forgotten about; relegated to the time of year when we look to the past for recipes. I say it’s time to bring it back! I challenge all ye doubters to find me a dish it does not suit.

I always think it’s so humbling when someone says “I was a cook, I was never a chef”. The culinary industry is known for being toxic, but one thing I think they do quite right is stratifying their workforce. Meanwhile, in tech we have people selling themselves as senior devs after just a few years working. What’s more, we have the terminology to do so: programming, developer, software engineer…

Having to restarting your computer because the esc key disappeared, that's hilarious…!! 😂 is such a badly designed website. You load it up, and all you see is a heading and lots and lots of whitespace. Function before form, people! is such a badly designed website. You load it up, and all you see is a heading and lots and lots of whitespace. Function before form, people!

rlamacraft boosted


> But shutting down Google search could be highly disruptive not just to consumers. Google’s search algorithm, combined with other products like Google Maps, enable it to provide contextual answers such as a local plumber, shop opening times and directions. Google also powers the search functions on many websites, including the Guardian.

Maybe the problem isn’t with the Australian law (of which I have no opinion) that would ”force” Google to close their search there, but rather the fact that so much of modern infrastructure is dependent on a single company

> They might have to ensure their services are compliant with a number of different search engines, and advertise across them.

Oh no! How terrible it would be to operate in a market that isn’t dominated by a monopoly

Local police station closed on a Thursday afternoon

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