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Here's a fun way to spend an hour: try re-creating this nomogram using nothing but a compass and a straight edge. I found it really quite satisfying to reverse the addition and multiplication that falls out of the quadratic equations the nomogram can be used to solve.

TIL there's an easy way to scroll back through vi's registers

rlamacraft boosted

There are dozens of fish or fish-like emoji (e.g., 🐟 🐠🎣🐡🦈🐬🐳🐋🐟.𓆝𓆟)

In fact, there are so many that, if I sent you a random one, a third party wouldn't have a good chance of guessing which one I'd sent.
This means we could adopt a new form of 2FA based on sending fish emoji

“In addition to your password, please log in with your one-time cod”

rlamacraft boosted

A few years ago I made this flow chart of which Mastodon posts end up in which timelines!

So, you can see how each instance will have a different local timeline, and even a slightly different federated timeline - and you can see why the federated timeline moves so much faster than the local one, too.

This is why it's important to boost good posts and use hashtags - the fediverse is fragmented and harder to search by nature.

[ #mastodon #meta #tootorial #howto #mastopedia #mastotip ]

"Being poisoned to death will kinda disrupt any plans you might have had for the afternoon"

rlamacraft boosted

I love /r/antiwork but I really don't like the name.

It should be /r/antijob.

Human nature is to do work.

But human nature is not to have a job.

Building software is work. Gardening is work. Making music is work.

Work is good. Work is healthy.

Jobs, though. That's where our mental, emotional, and often even physical selves break down.

I've really taken to property-based testing recently and this quote just really helped me crystallise why property testing is worth the extra effort over example-based unit testing: "Instead of thinking about whether my code worked I began to think about whether it’s correct."

I'm really starting to think that anything short of a WW2-scale government-led mobilisation effort to fight climate change is just a bit of window dressing. Individual actions like flying less or going vegan, or corporate actions like carbon offsetting are just not going to scale fast enough and are probably just a distraction from meaningful change. The technology is there and the transition will (probably) happen eventually at this point, we just need the political action to drastically reduce the timeframe.

rlamacraft boosted

Boss: your leave request broke the system
Me: uh sigh
Boss: why do you want to take the specific week off in 2038
Me: for this exact reason

rlamacraft boosted

Reminder, podcasts are just an rss feed with links to audio files.

Not an app. Not some walled ecosystem.

The BBC trying to promote their Sounds app by delaying the publication of a topical news show to their RSS feed by several weeks is just completely absurd. The jokes aren't going to be funny over a month after the story left the news cycle. Just be done with it and kill the feed if you're going to be so anti-RSS. Seriously tempted to listen to the radio broadcast instead, like it's the 20th century. The centralisation of online audio content should be opposed on all fronts, be it from Spotify, the BBC, or anyone else. How long before we need different apps/subscriptions to listen to different music artists, as we do for online video streaming? Ridiculous.

In the same way that a foot soldier is not going to respect a general whose never been in the trenches; whose never so much as fired their gun at the enemy, I really struggle to believe people who talk about data pipelines and synchronised metadata who have never made a cURL request against a Web API, never committed and pushed to a distributed VCS, who don't understand the need for simplicity above all else.

Why are we not instigating gas and oil rationing across the continent? This is insane. We'll do everything we can for the Ukrainian people except anything that might have the slightest impact on our lives

For some daft reason my wife thought it was *more* energy efficient to boil the kettle full than with just water she needs… 😒

rlamacraft boosted

‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes - Putin is trying to take down the entire world order, the veteran Russia watcher said in an interview. But there are ways even ordinary Americans can fight back.

TIL That the symbol inserted by pressing alt+0 on a mac (U+00BA) is not the unicode symbol for degrees (U+00B0)

What a pointless article from the guardian on how to get off Russian gas:

All of the suggestions given require years or decades… We should be instigating policies of nationalisation and rationing across the continent. Who gives a damn if shutting down some gas-hungry industries will send economies into recession when Ukrainians are being bombed in their beds‽‽ People are saying this is the largest war in Europe since the second world war -- let's start acting like it

rlamacraft boosted
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.