Google has suspended Element (@matrix) from the Play Store for "Sexual Content and Profanity". Basically same story as with Subway Tooter a while back. Element is to Matrix as Chrome is to the web. Curiously, Chrome is still on the Play Store.
Brew upgraded the oniguruma (鬼車) regex package on my mac. Wondering about the meaning of the word and found @jisho, a superb Japanese-English website. (Oniguruma, a nine-headed bird?) #japanese #etymology
#TGIF. Need to post here more often. What was your week like? Any highlights, plans for the weekend?
I installed LED lights on the back of my TV 📺 and I am delighted (maybe pun intended) with the results.
I'd done a couple of pivot tables following tutorials previously but never thought I'd have a good use case to apply them (tutorials are always around sales and money, not really what I do for work).
However, after selecting circuit types and router models for a 200-site WAN RFP, a pivot table to count the number of router models, circuits and bandwidths comes extremely useful.
#MsExcel is a must-have tool.
How have you built a consistent identity transcending home servers and other systems?
With centralised systems, it's usually rather straightforward, i.e. I create avatar@twitter, avatar@github and it seems natural for the same person to own those two.
On decentralised systems such as #mastodon or #matrix the inference is not straightforward and in practice it's usually unrelated (i.e. and refer to different people).
Could one link them where applicable?
I randomly came across this presentation about the evolution of global politics and economy. #rushdoshi
Playing with #matrix, the standard protocol for chat, voice and video conference. The multi-client experience is rather good. Logged in from browser, desktop app and mobile with same credentials (but three different sessions) worked flawlessly. I wonder what happens if somebody called me. Would it ring on all three sessions? 📞🤔
I think I understand why man-in-the-middle proxies cannot disengage from #TLS 1.3 sessions because the protocol uses Diffie-Hellman for session key exchange. But isn't DH available on TLS 1.2 as well? Maybe the proxies avoid it exactly because of that? 🤔 #cryptography
So I started reading about what improvements TLS 1.3 brings over 1.2 and it "naturally" moved on to IKE and... *checks again* primitive root modulo n. #cryptography
@realcaseyrollins: would that be something akin to what OpenId meant to be?
Networking geek into automation, programming. EU citizen in the UK. Sometimes runner, humanist above all. My views, my flags. He/him 🏳️🌈🇪🇸🇬🇧🇪🇺