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@foone If the planet's axis of rotation is roughly parallel to normal of its orbit, there can also be life that doesn't spread that quickly but lives close to the poles.


I recall seeing those numbers on some public documentation somewhere (maybe maps of more complicated stops?), so it might not be totally useless, even if confusing.


There seems to be a similar parameterization of a sphere: take latitude and latitude for a pair of poles placed on previous one's equator.


I don't see how one follows from the other. Why would an accurate simulation of me deserve less compassion than me?

@sophieschmieg @nickzoic @cstross @lauren

You can't as in there is no punycode for it because it's mapped to, or as in the registry will refuse to register the punycode name that it would have if it wasn't mapped to

@gregeganSF @AndyPerfors

I actually meant Solidity (silly typos..), but you're right that Singleton is also related.

"old man" complaint about board games 


If the set of possible moves is hard to enumerate (either large or the game does not have perfect information), I can imagine a game where no player can tell who can win even just before the last turn, even when the whole game state and enough computational resources would allow one to determine that.

Do you know of any games that go in the direction of making it as hard to tell whether you're winning as it's to be winning?


Consider reading Soliton by @gregeganSF. It explores a similar world.


Można rozważać bezpieczeństwo pod różnymi kątami. Możemy chcieć, że adwersarz nie mógł:
- podszywać się pod nas,
- przeczytać wiadomości do/od nas,
- dowiedzieć się, kiedy i z kim rozmawialiśmy,
- powiązać użytkownika z tożsamością poza komunikatorem,
- uniemożliwić nam wysyłanie/odbiór wiadomości.

Mamy też do wyboru to, przed jakimi adwersarzami chcemy się bronić:
- kimkolwiek kto zechce zakupić dane od firm marketingowych,
- intytucją, która obsługuje ten komunikator,
- Polską policją,
- służbami wywiadu jakiegoś kraju, gdy nie chcą śledzić konkretnie nas,
- służbami wywiadu jakiegoś kraju, gdy zależy im konkretnie na śledzeniu właśnie nas (to samo rozróżnienie też ma sens w poprzednich przypadkach).

Możemy też zastanawiać się nad bezpieczeństwem w sensie "czy za 5 lat nadal będę w stanie używać tego komunikatora z tymi samymi gwarancjami".

Poprawna ale nieciekawa odpowiedź na pierwsze pytanie: nie licząc adwersarzy, którzy chcą się dowiedzieć, z kim rozmawialiśmy, umawianie się na rozmowy osobiste jest najlepsze.

Ja sam staram się używać Matrixa możliwie najczęściej, bo jego model federacji:
- pozwala mi nie obawiać się, jak się zmieni za 5 lat,
- powoduje, że o rozmowach między dwoma osobami cokolwiek wiedzą tylko instancje rozmówców (no i być może ISP instancji rozmówców~).

@8petros jeślibym zobaczył to bez dodatkowego opisy to bym zgadywał, że chodzi o kategorie pt. oddam za darmo lub coś podobnego

@8petros to może insze inszości lub różne różności?

So, Swiss Post offers a "print and send a postcard with a photo of my choosing" service and gives everyone one such postcard free[1] per day. The canton of Zürich has an opt-out publicly readable mapping from license plate numbers to owners' names and addresses.

So, does anyone have some nice artwork for "please check your headlights", "thank you for being considerate", "please remember to use your turn signal", "please don't use a cell phone while driving", ...? :)

[1] well, ad-supported: they put an ad on the back next to the text

@lauren What kind of chaos? I'd expect disuse rather than chaos (or more precisely that other-than-enumerated topics get driven out).

@iro_miya Fortunately, starting a sentence with a noun is quite rare: usually its article is first.

Weird request: if you have any ZVV paper tickets handy, could you say what "Art-Nr" is on them and what kind of ticket was it?


What meaning would you want media to ascribe to the verb "hack" (if any)? (Interesting test examples: jailbreaking a phone, using undocumented interfaces to a ticket machine to make it faster to tell it what ticket you want, pretending to be a public transit bus for traffic lights to cause them to change out of schedule, making meringues out of byproduct of chickpeas.)


ISTM that "catastrophe" evokes an image of something that happens on a scale shorter than a year (e.g. I don't remember anyone talking about the averted ozone catastrophe).

Now that I think of it, a "slow catastrophe" is a really rare thing: it needs to be widespread enough so that it cannot be ameliorated by people slowly moving away from the affected area as things get worse -- otherwise the severity would be lower than a "catastrophe" would deserve -- and has to be slow. I couldn't think of any examples other than ozone one and political ones where moving away was sufficiently difficult (or made difficult on purpose).

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