are the beer price-cuts related to doug ford's quarter-billion taxdollar giveaway for rushing the whole corner store booze rollout? surprised i'm not finding news articles about this. #onpoli
apparently it’s quicker to fly from
new delhi to *tashkent* than new delhi to mumbai!?
this bit of trivia (and more) gotten by listening to the “empire” episode on russian contest of central asia:
Changed trains last night in Chicago for the final leg of my 80-hour train trip back to NYC. The sleeper rooms in this new train are so funny/great, with a folding sink, hidden toilet, elevating bed, extra storage cubby, and about a million little knobs and switches. I feel like I’m in a 1980s spaceship.
Telegram is capable of handing over all messages in every group and regular one-to-one chat to authorities in France or any other country. A real private messaging app like Signal isn't capable of turning over your messages and media. Telegram/Discord aren't private platforms.
i’m told the company that owns the building has been putting up similar properties in bankruptcy sale proceedings which then get torn down in favour of condo mid-rises. would be a shame if that’s what happens here!
there was a film shoot of some kind happening — an early 20th century japanese period piece, it seems. military prison set, i think
if your USB-C cables keep burning out, you probably just need one that can handle higher voltage, right? a friend of mine uses android auto to take calls for hours a day while driving, and his phone burns through cable after cable. i said he should try a thunderbolt 4 cable. good idea? any better ones?
apparently if you type before the http of any recipe webpage, it will load a stripped-down, ad-free version
and went into having just discovered him tonight via this youtube mini-doc on him. an unusual story!
loving this tiny desk set by fred again..
Today in This Seems Bad news...
This seems bad.
It is actually horrifying.
I honestly could only make it about half-way through the article because it's so horrific.
work in progress, father of teens, professional webmaster, designer-developer, lapsed blogger, fair trade entrepreneur + green politico, indie musician/technician