found the button! it’s from when i attended a lecture of his at glendon college circa maybe 2005?

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keeping cozy while working in the reclined position via keyboard/trackpad electric warming bag and furry pal on my chest

got this free sample pen in a sales mailer from yesterday with my web studio’s logo engraved on it. first off, i’m impressed with the quality. but secondly, how did they get ahold of this monochrome outlined version of my logo? i can’t remember posting it anywhere!

huh, i've never seen apple use this logo before! weird combo of older styles. rainbow gradient fruit body with an unusually leaf-like leaf, G3 era-ish shine, and a diecut border/shadow. from a marketing email today. anyone else seen it?

back from a few days at long point on lake erie. crazy how one day it’ll have waves over your head, and the next it looks like this!

there was a film shoot of some kind happening — an early 20th century japanese period piece, it seems. military prison set, i think

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got a tour of the millworks in dundas, ontario the other day from a friend who has studio space there. so many interesting nooks and features in there!

finally got my copy of the sibley guide to trees!

it was recommended by a forest scientist (over on bsky) when i asked how i could educate myself and be able to ID trees while i'm out and about.

last night i spent HOURS troubleshooting this zoom L-20 mixer/audio interface’s logic input setup (on M1 mac). then first thing this morning, i tried turning the USB-C adaptor upside down and plugging it back in… and presto! now it all works. (happy/angry)

huh. never noticed how similar the vent holes on the bottom of the are to the mac pro vent holes from 15yr later!

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think the g4 cube is repairable? epoxy maybe… not sure if it’ll be strong enough though. thing is dang heavy. still don’t know where most of the shards went

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back from falls reserve @ mainland river conservation. loved chilling in the falls (such warm water!)

why does sam altman always look like his soul got sucked out by some kind of red skull nazi time portal?

my dad found a pretty wild medical text at a local charity shop

well, got one dvd burned. waiting on some new discs to do the others. in the meantime, putting the dvd covers together. difficult to find cases in stores nearby, so had to cannibalize some old wii games and movies

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today i’m working on my back. standing desks aren’t just good for standing!

this week, the kei truck hauled:
- antique bed + mattress
- couch + large cat condo
- dresser, desk, chairs, shelves, misc (helped family move)
- several hundred KG of cement + forms
- corner display hutch

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
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