@sabbatical I… just learned fruit cakes traditionally have rum in them!
@levisan hah i think i found this out as an adult too, after asking my aunt about her fruitcake recipe the last time we were having family christmas at my (teetotaler) grandparents house
@sabbatical My mom grew up as a teetotaler so that would explain my lack of knowledge on the subject
@sabbatical To be fair, I have not done many double-blind drink comparisons to see if I preferred the alcoholic version
@levisan i think for folks who drink often you also start to love the boozey part of alc drinks, whereas if you don’t, for most people the noticeable presence of alcohol is off-putting. kinda like spiciness in food.
@sabbatical I've never thought of the taste like that of spiciness but that seems to be a great comparison!
@levisan there’s a reason christmas fruit cakes just have more depth with the rum in there and it’s not bc you’re getting drunk of it (probably)