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‪i’d actually like to go to bed right now but i’m already serving as a bed for this one… her name is winnifred and she’s way too comfortable right now. ‬

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a few domestic scenes. last night our freezer failed, but fortunately we were able to find a spot for everything in other freezers. grateful for friends and family that are happy to help, for a life in a place that affords little luxuries and joys and moments of peace every day (if i take the time to let them happen)

setting up this old typewriter for eb, and she just noticed it’s got no exclamation point!

“how will i seem excited? i’ll have to use a dollar sign”

really enjoying this “tradle” game. wordle / worldle, but int’l exports as guessing fodder

beck and phoenix also used this cool 3d stage projection technique that i hadn’t seen before. very nice!

drone light show in the background while beck did his thing at ontario place last night

had a picnic/bbq to welcome my parents moving back to canada — luckily my truck juuust fit between the bollards at the park entrance, so i was able to haul all our stuff up the hill to the pavilion

camped w friends at sibbald point — kayaked the black river, saw lots of cool birds, had good food and beer together, then had a horrible sleep, but still worth it!

doodling in the sand with my son tuesday evening. just got back last night and miss the shore already!

right around here i stubbed my toe on a buried boulder yesterday, and it’s now purple and swollen (my toe, not the rock)

bothers me that spots like this — walkable, multi-level, human scale, tied in with nature — are so rare around here that they're basically exclusively used for weddings.

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went to the fillmore in detroit last night with @yo_peej to see the national play. what an ornate space! excellent set too, def worth the drive.

slouched split keyboard setup: a "lucky pucker" tripod adapter kit off etsy and some "octopus"-style tripods to mount the moonlander keyboard on. stuffed the tripod legs between the cushions of the chair, adjusted, and presto. (trackpad off to the side on a tablet arm thingy)

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