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adam w.k. boosted

Boost this toot if you're planning on sticking around Mastodon & the Fediverse whether or not it's more popular than Bluesky.

can buffer really not post to two channels at once? i thought that was kind of the point. that and scheduling.

i just don’t want to have to post things twice.

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hooking up buffer with mastodon and bluesky

adam w.k. boosted

i’ve been an avid mac user since i got my first powerbook at age 14, but never felt i could justify paying for airpods, given that i was bound to lose them every other month. but between “find my” tech advances and this hearing augmentation stuff, i’m rethinking that.

keeping cozy while working in the reclined position via keyboard/trackpad electric warming bag and furry pal on my chest

i'm not mr. AI doomer, and i don't actually dislike a lot of the generative features being added, but can we make it less AI! AI! AI! in-your-face all the time?

- sleep cycle has been analyzing my sleep patterns for over a decade. great app. gladly paid for it. but loaded it up yesterday after a long break and now they're calling it AI. subtext: "are we cool now that it's a buzzword?"
- today i opened notion and a big "notion AI" nav item's been added to my sidebar. on top of the many "please use AI" prompts popping up across their UI. big pick-me energy.

many such cases!
i feel like a curmudgeon, but it makes me like your products less.

adam w.k. boosted

“This is the existential threat that CTOs now face. The scary thing is that most of them don’t even realize it - they’re still operating like it’s 2015, where the goal is hiring and retention. They’re strolling into conversations with their CFOs on ‘productivity’ with developer sentiment surveys in hand.”

adam w.k. boosted

When I was a teenager in the 2000s I somehow got the opportunity to interview the drummer from Minor Threat for a hardcore zine.

I asked him for his advice for young musicians. He said “you’re not going to listen to this advice because you don’t think it’s cool, and one day you’ll regret it, but always wear earplugs.”

I didn’t listen.

Didn’t think it was cool.

Permanent ear damage by my mid 20s.

adam w.k. boosted

“7 people liked or boosted your reply”
whoa, so this is what twotter felt like

adam w.k. boosted

1: AI is hallucinating events, historical figures, entire concepts on Wikipedia

2: a task force of Wikipedia editors is detecting and deleting this stuff

if there were a service that alerted me when (and only when) this kind of organ-based musical event was going to be happening near me, i'd pay for that

i think it’s because instead of showing a block screen reminding me i’m a bad boy for muscle-memory-autotyping the twitter url, i end up on a pleasant portal page (that i’m proud of having made) and i get refocused on what i’m at the computer to try to get done.

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i've been redirecting to my notion dashboard with this lil browser extension:

it's been more effective than any of the apps (focus, opal, etc) i've tried on my mac to break my twitter habit!

got this free sample pen in a sales mailer from yesterday with my web studio’s logo engraved on it. first off, i’m impressed with the quality. but secondly, how did they get ahold of this monochrome outlined version of my logo? i can’t remember posting it anywhere!

adam w.k. boosted

To comply with EU regulations on allowing 3rd party stores, Apple announces .DS_Store for Windows and Android! :anidab_right:

GA4 feels like just someone’s hobby project. (and that someone has just the wrong mixture of adhd and autism)

the web app is shockingly good, even on mobile. why didn’t y’all tell me about this mastodon client?

better yet, when i saved it to my home screen i named it “qoto”, so when i instinctually search for my instance’s name rather than a specific app name, it still pops up!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.