Der Traum vom gesunden Altern: Wie man den Alterungsprozess und die Krebsentstehung bekämpfen könnte. @schumacherbj und Team identifizieren den DREAM-Proteinkomplex als Ziel für Therapien. Schaltet man DREAM aus, leben Zellen länger.

The dream of healthy ageing: A way to fight ageing and cancer development. Prof. Schumacher and team identify the DREAM protein complex as a target for therapies. If DREAM is switched off, cells live longer.

🔥🔥🔥9 open PhD positions available in the newly established
Research Unit on Physiological Causes and Consequences of Genome Instability 🧬. Join the thriving research environment in Cologne, Germany

***English below***
🧬Strahlenschäden an väterlicher #DNA werden an Nachkommen vererbt. Schäden in Eizellen hingegen werden repariert. Warum? Eine Studie von @schumacherbj in @Nature hat nun die Antwort.
Mehr dazu ➡

🧬Radiation damage to paternal #DNA is inherited to offspring. Damage in oocytes, on the other hand, is repaired. Why? A study by @schumacherbj @Nature now has the answer.
Read more ➡

#DNA #DNAdamage #inheritance #genetics

Our new must-read Nature paper: Inheritance of paternal DNA damage by repair restriction
We resolve one of the most long standing riddles in radiation biology: What are the heritable consequences of paternal radiation exposure? @CECAD @UniKoeln @dfg_public Find the answer here:

I’m a little late with an introduction post but we study #malaria transmission, particularly how changes in mammalian host #immunity and #metabolism control parasite transmission to and infection of the #mosquito host. We’re also interested in how malaria-induced activation of #basophils and #mast cells disrupts #intestinal barrier integrity. I’m passionate about #training that highlights the direct connections among #plant, #animal and #human health from the #cellular to the #ecosystem scales.

Eugenics- a cautionary tale of how science can be misused- and in some ways is still influencing thought today. Gripping and urgent account from Adam Rutherford on this BBC radio4 program:

Here is an incomplete list of journalists that Elon Musk has suspended from Twitter today.

He also suspended the Twitter account of Mastodon.

It's Going Down
Matt Bider
Aaron Rupar
Donie O’Sullivan (CNN)
Drew Harwell (Washington Post)
Ryan Mac (NY Times)
Matt Binder (Mashable)
Tony Webster (award winning freelancer)
Micah Lee (the Intercept)
Keith Olbermann

Elon Musk bought Twitter in order to suppress free speech and consolidate control of the spaces in which public discourse takes place to advance his authoritarian quest for profit and power. It's necessary to oppose him the way we would fight against any aspiring tyrant, any oppressor.

Unsere neue @dfg_public Forschungsgruppe FOR 5504 wird die Ursachen und Auswirkungen von DNA Schäden untersuchen um neue Erkenntnisse zu altersbedingten Erkrankungen zu gewinnen.
Neue DFG Forschungsgruppe untersucht Ursachen und Folgen von Genominstabilität

""scientists were locked in [to twitter] by network externality...unless scientists could move en masse to a new home, there was no incentive to switch. Musk may have broken that dam" by @ct_bergstrom ht @cyrilpedia

Speaking of ... now the wireless !

"The neuropeptidergic connectome of C. elegans" by Lidia Ripoll et al. 2022, a collaboration between Isabel Beets', Petra Vertes' and Bill Schafer's labs

"This connectome is characterized by a high connection density, extended signaling cascades, autocrine foci, and a decentralized topology, with a large, highly interconnected core containing three constituent communities sharing similar patterns of input connectivity. Intriguingly, several of the most important nodes in this connectome are little-studied neurons that are specialized for peptidergic neuromodulation."

@GutmannLab is looking for additional researchers at all levels, including experienced technicians, staff scientists, & postdoctoral fellows to work on  .

Spread the word!

Interested candidates should DM us or email Dr. Gutmann directly.

Come join an amazing team of scientists working on cancer immunology, cancer neuroscience, hiPSC cancer modeling, and the developmental origins of cancer.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.