Temu niet langer hofleverancier Hezbollah
You can respond directly to the EU Commission questionnaire here: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13880-Digital-Europe-programme-interim-evaluation/public-consultation_en
‼️ The Free Software Foundation Europe needs your help ‼️
The EU Commission aims to remove funding from free software projects which are crucial to our digital lives.
We spoke with the #FSFE to learn more.
👉 https://youtu.be/mNZgSCvg6Ew
Please share this post with your friends to spread the message and rally support for free software! 📣
I am 44 and this is my third "flood of the century" in the region I am from.
Perhaps it's time to take climate change seriously? Because it's not going to be any better: https://eastangliabylines.co.uk/environment/climate/climate-wont-get-better-we-have-to-act-now/
What happened to the Native Matrix interoperability with WhatsApp
#organicMaps is a must have if
1- you are in the mountains or in a place where there is no internet connection
2- you want to ride a bicycle or a bike
3- you want to decide your path
4- You don't want to give your data to #google
Gemeente stelt landweggetje beschikbaar aan activisten die iets willen blokkeren https://nieuwspaal.nl/gemeente-stelt-landweggetje-beschikbaar-aan-activisten-die-iets-willen-blokkeren/
Blindgeboren Roland (38) gaat meedoen aan Kopen Zonder Kijken: "Kijk er enorm naar uit" https://nieuwspaal.nl/blindgeboren-roland-gaat-meedoen-aan-kopen-zonder-kijken/
Dumbbell Presses:
1. 20kgbx 30 reps
2. 30kg x 20 reps
3. 40kg (88lbs) x 10 reps
4. 45kg (99lbs) x 5 reps
Incline Dumbbell Presses:
1. 20kg x 20 reps
2. 22,5kg x 15 reps
3. 25kg x 10 reps
4. 27,5kg (60lbs) x 10 reps
Smith Machine Chest Presses:
1. 40kg x 20 reps
2. 50kg x 15 reps
3. 60kg x 12 reps
4. 70kg (154lbs) x 6 reps
Incline Bench Presses:
1. 50kg x 15 reps
2. 60kg (132lbs) x 8 reps
3. 60kg x 8 reps
4. 60kg x 7 reps
1. 90 seconds
2. 90 seconds
3. 60 seconds
4. 60 seconds
Hanging Reversed Crunches:
20, 20, 15 & 15 reps
Vacuum Pose:
4 x 20 seconds
Uphill Treadmill:
20 minutes
#blog #bodybuilding #fitness
Male, 56 yrs old guy (married) from Amsterdam, Europe. CEO of the coffee machine. No education, no purpose, no money, no self esteem. Just breathing through live, lifting weights and drinking coffee, eventually ending up in the oven. All bias towards me is completely justified and I don't care.
Interests: #SciFi #Bodybuilding #Fitness #Fantasy #openSUSE #Vollaphone #Threema #Signal #amsterdam
MeWe: @rubenmepschen.28