Loving my new homepage and new page tabs! Tabliss extension on Waterfox.

@shibaprasad Looks very nice, great tast in Browser!!! :smo_mario:

I took one just now, showing my own Waterfox and the many tabs in use. Plus one thing I wanted to suggest you.

I learned years ago that I love placing the Taskbar at the LEFT side (or Right side) of the screen, instead of default, bottom edge.

Rationale? It frees up some much needed VERTICAL pixels, for reading, which are at a premium with the widescreens we are forced to use those days; not much option for new ones in 3 x 4.

@design_RG That's a good suggestion!

I am also changing it for a trial run

@shibaprasad Awesome!!

I thought you would see the advantage on the screenshot. Way to go!

@shibaprasad I have added a few new nice Add-ons to Waterfox and am happy with them.

Theme for an upcoming new blog post?

Yeah, adding to the list on my clipboard (the real world, paper sheet variety one; keep two handy around my work area to jot reminders of ideas and to dos, etc.)

Snapshot for the article now ready!

Wow! So many Extensions. I was wondering..... how Collapsed Mastodon looks like?

@shibaprasad You can see it in action here --- Clicking on the Reply arrow in any posts, opens a nice and wide Toot editor right under it!

Pretty cool. It also Collapses the usual column at the Left side of the screen as shown in this Real Time Screenshot. 😃

Reduced to 800 pixel for posting, a full size 160 KB jpeg is here: i.postimg.cc/Zqmrs3qN/Mastodon

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