@nomdeb I dumped FB in 2012. Saw the writing on the wall.
The people who stay are 'nazi fondlers' so there's that, Zuckles.
@Remittancegirl This will be easy for me since I don't have a TV, never watch TV, and will be too busy. Just as I always am.
I wish I could boycott but I've been boycotting US society since the 1970s so I can't make much of a difference. Lol.
@QasimRashid Racism is hereditary, meaning it's passed on from parents to children.
When a child is raised by racist parents, and taught to be afraid of a certain race or people with certain characteristics, they have built-in autonomic responses.
For example, In the USA, when an adult white person, raised by racist whites, sees a black person, they have an automatic fight or flight response. They come full alert, blood pressure rises, adrenaline in released. It's autonomic. There's no thinking involved because it was engrained in them as a child. "This is danger!"
So insane behaviors like this should not surprise anyone.
@rastinza @wesdym @RickiTarr This is exactly what we're talking about. Your sex is male. Your gender is "gay", or whatever term you want to use. In my case my sex is male and my gender is "cis" or "straight". My wife's sex was female and her gender was "bi" or whatever the current term is.
Sex and sexual orientation are not the same thing. Sexual orientation and gender not always the same thing but in practice usually are.
@wesdym Yes, I expressed it that simplified way in my brief comment but I wasn't writing a textbook. Gender is the personal sense of oneself, as you said.
But more people than you and I are reading these comments. I'm writing to them, some of whom do not yet understand any of this. For them, "attraction" is the only thing that matters.
@wesdym Exactly.
@wesdym @rastinza @RickiTarr I must disagree (if I understand your correctly). Exactly right that sex and gender are not the same thing. That's the whole point and why we use two different words.
Gay sex is your first order proof of this and the primary example of why there are not just two genders.
Sex is the hardware between your legs, basically two kinds. Gender is what you are attracted to, and like to do with your hardware, and how you feel about your sexuality. The latter can vary over a huge range.
So, male and female hardware (ignoring intersex):
I'm a cis-male attracted to females. (gender 1)
A former girlfriend is a cis-female, attracted only to males. (gender 2)
My wife was attracted to both males and females. (gender 3)
Former co-workers were attracted only to men. (gender 4)
A former co-worker long, long ago, 50 years ago, was trans, born male but chose to live as a female. (gender 5)
and on it goes...
@davidbody The AC gain, yes. ;-)
@cobalt I agree with what's said above. My immediate guess is serrano on the left, jalapeño on the right.
I know that with inferno peppers (my favorite), the longer you leave it on the plant the hotter it gets. I have no idea whether that´s true for other peppers.
My experience with jalapeños is you never know what will happen when you bite into it. One will be 500 SHU, the next one 8000 SHU.
Have you ever wondered how every jar of (pick a brand) of pickled jalapeño slices has the same amount of heat? How do they manage that?
Turns out there's a cultivar of jalapeño that has zero heat and it's the most widely farmed for commercial use. You guessed it. They use zero heat peppers and add capsaicin to set the heat at any level they like. Sometimes these find their way into the produce department.
This is the most embarrassing moment in the history of this nation and half of our population is too stupid to understand that.
@HopelessDemigod We think alike. I had the same thought. Insulated or not, it is easily turned into a fine transmitting ant on 160m. Easily, except for the massive set of ground radials you'd have to install. Lol.
@HopelessDemigod Hahaha. Why so tall? In my contesting years in the 1990s, I had a 12-el LPDA on a 70 foot tower and it worked great. And wire antennas for other bands down to 160m.
If you're going really big with stackeds yagis like W3LPL, yes, 200 feet or more. But Frank's setup is extreme.
Rushkoff: "Yet while tyrants since the time of Pharaoh and Alexander the Great may have sought to sit atop great civilizations and rule them from above, never before have our society's most powerful players assumed that the primary impact of their conquests would be to render the world itself unlivable for everyone else."
@dcjohnson Yes, I was firm believer in this market stuff in the 1970s. It seems obvious and appeals to an engineer like me.
But it's false. It's nonsense. Falling for this trick comes from ignorance. Markets are not "free", at all.
@europesays So in other words, Ukraine is righting three countries: Russia, Iran, Korea.
The Axis of Evil. (Remember Reagan
And I expect the USA, the fourth member of the Axis of Evil will soon join the party.
@rastinza @RickiTarr Sorry for the delay. Work interferes with social media. Hahaha.
True, I gave a brief series of comments, knowing that most people in my circle already know about these things. I wasn't writing a tutorial.
I would hope that most people these days understand the basic concepts of human sexuality. It's not simple, it's extremely complex. Science is still a long way from understanding all the complexities. It will be a long time yet, if ever, that we understand all of it.
At the fundamental level there's male and female, and one might assume the two are automatically attracted to one another. But this is not the case. We know this from observation for thousands of years. Then there's intersex, which I'll ignore here.
There's genetics. Female and male are XX and XY, right? But no, there are many other variations in chromosomes.
Then there are complexities of brain development that we don't understand. The chemistry in the womb affects the fetus in ways we don't understand that result in effects after birth.
One of my grandkids is trans. She's an adult now. She was born with female hardware between her legs but from age 3 or before she knew she was male. Her brain is masculine but her hardware is female and this created all kinds of problems because her siblings, all male, didn't understand.
Here's a concise article that touches on the important parts: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/gender-science/201701/three-gender-myths-almost-everyone-believes-shouldn-t
When it comes to answering the question of "why", the shortest answer is "because it works". As living creatures, our most important function is reproduction -- passing our genes on to the next generation for further adaptation. From Nature's point of view, this is our ONLY function. All the other stuff, like our big brains, is decoration and came about because it enables us to reproduce better.
Nature / evolution / adaptation is very effective at keeping what works and eliminating what doesn't work. You can depend on this. Nature has had 150 million years to tinker with mammals and find what works and what doesn't. We are mammals, lions are mammals. So, while 2 sexes plus intersex, and 56 identified genders may seem very odd, it works. It works so well that billions of humans are infesting the planet to the point of destruction.
This is all you need to know about why. Science will be investigating the chemistry of why for decades if not much longer, but that won't change what is.
So. Cal. engineer (hardware/software since 1968, retired, he/him), born at 313 ppm, musician, chef, now living in West Virginia. KW2P ham radio (the original social network), father of three, grandfather, astronomy, solar dynamics, photography, writing, birding, birdwatching, eBird, fountain pens, cats and dog, reader of banned books, scary fast Python jockey, Chairman of the Charcuterie Board, Whisk Manager, Compuserve refugee, founder of The Church of The Unwarranted Assumption. Crypto is short for cryptography. Blog: shuttersparks.net
"To hold a pen is to be at war." --Voltaire
"I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous amount of fumes and everything." --Donald Trump