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"Russia is actively pursuing psychological warfare against liberal democracies."

#EvanPoll #poll

@JonChevreau They are not trying to push him out. The corporatist media-infotainment complex is trying to keep everyone's attention. They will do it any way they can. They need to keep it a horse race and will say anything to achieve that. Again, their business model is to make news, not report news!

The media IS NOT MAKING “MISTAKES.” They’re betraying the public on purpose. ACCEPT REALITY. It’s easier and makes more sense.

George Takei:

If you think a nightmarish, unconstitutional round up of innocent people, merely suspected of being enemies of the state, can’t happen in the U.S., then you’re forgetting that it already has.

I was among them, along with my entire family and community.

The GOP’s nominee to run the 9th most populous state just called for killing people who disagree with the far-right and that sentiment was echoed by the head of Heritage and the man behind Project 2025. But like 90% of all political news is about Democratic hand-wringing over Biden’s debate flop.

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HMRC withheld offshore tax avoidance figures for UK’s wealthy during election - "Pressure on officials to publish estimate of offshore tax avoidance in almost £40bn of uncollected revenues" go for it, #starmer...

Somewhere, during this triple-digit heatwave, actors are out there, trying their best to make Hallmark Christmas movies for you

@_dmh @RealJournalism In many states, there's no opportunity for Democratic candidates, because the GOP has been playing out a plan since the 70s to seize control of state & local government and gerrymander the districts to ensure they cannot be defeated. Here in NC, the Rs own the state legislature, the supreme court, and soon likely the executive. It will be *generations* before they can be voted out of power because of the way they've restructured the state political arenas

Wow - evidence that very massive neutron stars may have cores made of deconfined quark matter! The idea of a 'quark star' is not new, but I didn't know it was a serious possibility.

An ordinary neutron star has a core made mostly of densely packed neutrons. A matchbox-sized chunk of this stuff weighs about 3 billion tonnes. But if you squeeze this stuff hard enough, eventually the neutrons break. Each neutron consists of 3 quarks held together by gluons. So when the neutrons break you get 'quark matter' - a sea of quarks and gluons, no longer confined in neutrons.

We've made something similar here on Earth: at CERN and Brookhaven, physicists smack atomic nuclei at each other so hard that the protons and neutrons break and momentarily form a 'quark-gluon plasma'. But the conditions in a neutron star core are different: cooler, but more pressure - and not just temporary.

This new paper tries to take the measured properties of massive neutron stars and see if they fit a model where the inner core is made of deconfined quark matter. They say it does with about 80% probability! I'd take this with a grain of salt, but it's an exciting possibility. It's not every day we find quintillions of tonnes of a new state of matter.

For me, the coolest part is that deconfined quark matter may have an extra symmetry, called 'conformal symmetry'. This means that if you zoom in on it, it looks almost the same. An atom looks like a blob with some specific size. So does a neutron. But a system with conformal symmetry is just a blur spread out everywhere - and if you zoom in or zoom out, you see something very similar. This is crazy.


2/2 But that's just one interview, there were no others all week, right?


Here's another unscripted radio interview #Biden gave on July 4th, for a different local radio show, this time out of Milwaukee -- the Earl Ingram Show. Again, just a terrific discussion. Please listen to both and share widely with your networks, since MSM obviously won't.

#WeBackBidenHarris #DemCast

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1/2 So Biden's first sit-down interview since the debate is with George Stephanopoulos on ABC tomorrow, right?


Here's a link to a really good, unscripted radio interview in #Biden did in #Philadelphia on July 4th (on WURD, a local Black-owned station). MSM isn't reporting on this because it doesn't fit their narrative. So it's on us to share this widely.

#WeBackBidenHarris #DemCastNJ

Well, I'm pleased to say that starting about 9:25 PM, things lit up here as usual with private displays all over the place. The town was choked with smoke and I got some good drone footage of all the hoopla.

Why the silence before that time, I have no solid explanation. I suspect that "monkey see, monkey do" is the explanation. Someone starts up 3 days early and everyone else has to get in on the action. But nobody started early this year so nobody followed.


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The debate has turned out to be an excellent opportunity to flush out the quislings and collaborators.

Moulton joins Lloyd Doggett as someone who needs to be sidelined because he can't be trusted.

Jared Golden (Maine), Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (Wash.) & Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) too.

These folks are undermining democracy on the behalf of whom?

Which megadonor bought them?

The indictment is abhorrent. Trump and Epstein are accused in torrid, dramatic, and sadistic detail of sexual perversion and raping of a 12 year old female while being observed by another child. The latter was responsible for documenting the details for Epstein to have as evidence over his “friends”, Trump in this case.

@mcahalane @parismarx

The development of AI is being fostered to automate malign influence campaigns, spread disinformation, and especially climate denial & election interference.

The folks funding a fascist movement aren't looking for Return in Investment (ROI).

They are looking at thwarting climate action by destabilizing democracy.

Middle Eastern petrostate despots are aligned with China and Russia with #KochNetwork to keep frying a planet & evade taxation.

I think this is an important thing to know about a bunch of US media. They're paid by the oil companies to publish stuff that looks independent but is toeing the corporate line.

"As a senior PR executive for Mobil, Schmertz pioneered what he called the op-ad. Beginning in October 1970, Mobil paid The New York Times to publish regular op-ed articles, written by the oil company, in which it delivered its views on energy, the environment, and other issues of the day. In a 1991 interview revealed here for the first time, Schmertz explained: “Everything we did was organized as if it was one big political campaign.” The goal of the campaign, Schmertz continued, “was to win elections also."

"Schmertz’s influence lives on in the increasingly common practice of US news organizations featuring content prepared by and with oil companies and other large corporations. Known as native advertising, branded content, or sponsored content, it looks and sounds like genuine news, even as it provides a one-sided, corporate-friendly take on climate change, clean energy, or other issues. And these days, the oil companies don’t even have to produce the content themselves. Numerous top news organizations—including the Times, Politico, and The Washington Post—have pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars from ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, and organizations such as the American Petroleum Institute to create the companies’ advertorials. "

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