I'm not ashamed of having fair skin.
I'm not ashamed of being hetero.
I'm not ashamed of having a penis.
Anybody who believes that I ought to be ashamed of being a white heterosexual male is a §$%& !!!
Unfortunately, there are too many §$%&s in the world who believe that I ought to feel deep shame and remorse for having been born as a white, heterosexual male - in fact, many believe that I ought to feel deep shame and remorse for having been born at all.
Well, FU!!!
The Logic of the West’s New Anti-Semitism Crisis
@LWFlouisa @freemo
What new technology am I allegedly being wilfully ignorant of?
yes, occasionally I listen to other stuff than ear-shredding metal☺:
@freemo well, obviously I'm an archaic human being who has no idea what the "proper" terms for anything are these days
@freemo a person who has a penis and a vagina is a hermaphrodite. I have no idea what someone is called who has neither
@freemo are you alluding to hermaphrodites?
@freemo the question makes no sense to me - please rephrase it, so I can understand what you are trying to ask
Who's NIck Cave and where's he from?☺☺☺
*disabled *white *cishet *male *migrant *JDLGermany