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Is this caused by solar activity? Or just my phone about to die?

I use my old phone as a monitoring camera to see if there are birds coming. It's outdoor from 9AM to 6PM, for the past 3 days.

did some biking. I think my body is gradually catching up. Today I didn't feel exhausted after finishing this ride. Cool.

Power is still not coming back, but I managed to borrow some electricity from my neighbor.

And they said they can't find an electrician to fix the problem. So I got my meter. Hope I won't kill myself

Based on wifi status, looks like this time is a regional issue, not only my house lost access to the power...

It's raining intensively, but the power is still on. Based on experience, I really don't trust the infrastructure, so I'll probably order a UPS? At least to allow me to shutdown everything safely.

A short and quick update:

1. Headed to the countryside for a family BBQ with my cousins. I can now light the coals quite skilfully. We grilled twice in three days and ate a bit too much, my gut is working overtime to digest all those delicious meat.
2. in the morning we went to a forest park. I said "park", but it's really just a wild mountain. The scenery wasn't exactly beautiful, but I loved the untouched nature that had not been exploited by tourism. Unfortunately I don't have very professional hiking gear with me, so our group was soon blocked by the wild terrain and vegetation and had to return the same way. (I even almost broke my foot on the way down)
3. I purposely set aside a Sunday for myself to spend alone at home. It was a nice family outing with my cousins, but mentally exhausting as well. I like to have some mentally resting by being alone. Maybe in the afternoon I'll scrow throught YouTube, or watch a film or anime if I'm in the mood.
4. It's a rare afternoon when I have nothing to do (more scrupulously speaking, there is nothing that I want to do), so I've decided not to think about the new government bill (which grants the police the right to inspect citizens' personal electronic devices under relatively relaxed conditions) until after. The hustle and bustle of the world is of no concern to me today, and right now I just want to enjoy a quiet and calm afternoon.

Translated from Chinese to English by DeepL, modified by me.

Congratulations to myself!

With the help from clonezilla, GParted (GUI), some StackOverflow hint and the man page of lvs, vgs, pvresize and lvresize, now I have successfully replaced the boot drive! Not only a bigger root, but also 8GB swap.

I though LVM and LUKS will be much harder.

Got the new drive. P4: 0.005W and the total latency is only 16ms.

Shame on you Kingston.

"If the total latency of any state (enlat + xlat) is greater than 25000 (25ms) you must pass a value at least that high as parameter default_ps_max...

This will be my last time trying to comfort a Kingston drive during clonezilla copy.

"If the total latency of any state (enlat + xlat) is greater than 25000 (25ms) you must pass a value at least that high as parameter default_ps_max_latency_us for the nvme_core kernel module."

Kingston: Max 90ms

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