#2825 Autumn and Fall
Of course in reality this is just a US/UK thing; in British English, 'fall' is the brief period in between and 'autumn' is the main season.
“我不在乎他过得开不开心,我就要他结婚生小孩,要他跟别人一样” —— 我:也不是不行,但是他对女的硬不起来,要试管代孕加起来要200万,你愿意花200万报孙子孙女话,我想他可能也会接受有孩子。
“是不是你把他带坏的,你是同性恋,她才变成同性恋的?” —— 我:同性恋是天生的,我觉得阿姨可能是你怀孕的时候吃了什么不好的东西,或者叔叔喝了太多酒导致的,但你们也别自责,也不能重新来过了,说要生二胎的话,可以注意一下(他爹70了)
“有病,这是不是有病吗?这能治吗?” —— 我:你可以把这个当成病,但这个并不影响生活也不影响寿命,你想治也不是不可以,可是疗效不确定,还得花很多钱,最少得200万,医保不报销。
“你俩都是同性恋,你俩怎么不能结婚呢?” ——我:我们可以结婚啊,结果不一定有性,我们结了婚他也是要出去约炮的,你是想让他出去约炮得病呢?还是有固定伴侣呢?
她好像想明白了,电话挂了以后,可能跟身边人说了这件事,又打电话回来要死要活,说自己失败,说大家都会看不起她。我:果然出柜不是une fois pour toutes,是要反反复复,经常出。
You missed the version. It should be called: Emoji: usbc_usbb_face 1.0 gen 1.
Then you can improve this emoji and get 1.0 gen 2, 3.0 gen 1 and 3.0 gen 2 by 4.
@boxcars Probably not. I generally don't want to use those wearable devices since they increase the cost of me crashing.
Yesterday (I'm in UTC+8) I was riding about 30 km/h for 3 km, but several days ago I did get over 40 km/h for 500 m. Considering my diet is fairly stable, and I think it's likely to be the blood pressure.
I do have a plan to test it. If the weather doesn't stop me, I will find a longer road without traffic light, riding with the same speed but with a buffer to start and stop (not suddenly start and stop) and see what's going on. If everything is fine, then I think it means my blood sugar is totally fine to keep up with the strength. If not, then it will be complicated.
@aquilegia 我怀疑有些老中人是不是有强烈的被迫害妄想症(
前几天那个在2022年底送了一个月外卖的临沂大学老师的文章 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Yms7al4Ms42pXR-tS5iYFQ 我周围很多人转过。结果今天要不是仝宗锦的微博,我还不知道他周围有很多“朋友”激烈抨击这篇文章和这个人。还有说这个临沂老师“非蠢即坏”的,我听了感觉就很绝,你说一个肯干一个月快递的人非蠢即坏,那肯定坏的是你,这都不用问的事儿啊。何以破防至此。看了一圈,勉强推测抨击者的出发点是担心这篇文章煽动民粹、成为新一轮整治互联网的“抓手”。我觉得,但凡你一直以这个强度操心中国互联网产业和中国民营经济,你早跳海了吧,怎么还留着命在这儿对着一个四线城市普本教师嗷嗷乱叫?
A fun (but not pleasant) observation during my daily (once per two days) workout.
Today I was planning for a ~30 km cycling. Just at the start (less than 2 km I think), a random guy kept overtaking me with her fancy road bike (I'm riding an MTB). So the competitive side of me conducted a race (lasted for 3 km before we were stopped by the traffic light).
In the end, I overtook her with my bravery and experienced maneuver (when you have to compete with cars to avoid other cars that occupy the bike lane). But just waiting in front of the traffic light, I suddenly felt my legs start to lose their strength, my sight became fuzzy and the surroundings sounded like I was pulling out of my body. But the competitive side of me doesn't like losing, so I decided to turn to an alley and call it a tie, LOL.
The point is, I don't feel anything wrong when I am cycling, but once I stop, maybe 1 minute or so, the symptoms start.
(Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in bio-related fields, so there is my educated guess, not fact or reference.)
In the beginning, I thought it was blood sugar, maybe it was too low. I experienced similar things in high school when I finished my 1km running test and had to cycle back home in the middle of June around 3 pm. But that time I started feeling bad before I stopped. Then I got extreme hives and thankfully it did not last long.
But this time I started to feel bad after I was stopped. Someone suggests it's blood pressure. The hypothesis is that I'm doing aggressive ridding thus my body enlarges the vessels to deliver more blood to my legs, but then I suddenly stopped in front of the traffic light, the vessels didn't have time to response, so the blood pressure became too low.
So... I'm asking out of curiosity, did someone encounter similar things before? What is the cause of that? And more importantly, how to avoid that?
小姨是医药代表 她爸爸是律师 妈妈是前造币厂退休职工
她爸爸说 日本核”污水”新闻出来之后 他把买的85元一斤的大黄鱼扔了 他说谁知道他们是哪里捞上来的 万一这些鱼是从日本那边游过来的呢
她妈妈劝我 以后也少吃海鲜 我过了那个愿意为了这种事去解释或生气的年纪了 我说好的
小姨已经一个月没去上班了 前几天她碰到之前的一个老客户 是上海某医院肿瘤科室的主任 主任说 现在上面要约谈过去几个月开过某种进口抗生素的全部医生 医院没办法只能配合拉名单
医院无奈 医生无奈 我小姨也很无奈 以后大家都吃一样的国产药 穿一样的衣服 看一样的娱乐内容 人自从生下来那一刻起就是资源 就是齿轮
聊到这里我快无法呼吸 我问她 万一有些人是在进口药的治疗下可以活下来的呢?那这不就是剥夺了ta们的机会在变相杀人
“一直是啊” 我小姨说
我们一路走到地铁站 看着路两边喝酒的人 谁都说不出来一句话
@Miriamm True. I spent more than a minute trying to understand the first line, then I failed.
想去哈特拉没有正常的票站,我被叫进政府大楼里,当地官员为我签了张票,说外宾远道而来,虽然周六不上班但我们专门找个人陪你去。一位东非面孔的小哥给我面前搬来小茶几,又为我倒茶。所有人都跟我热情打招呼,跑来看🀄️ 人。
对岸就是尼尼微。遗址近十平方公里,大部分仍没有被现代建筑占据。612BC城落之后这里还发生过两场重要战役,331BC亚历山大在城东第一次摧毁波斯帝国,一千年后希拉克略在遗址旁最后一次击败波斯帝国。土丘上充满了盗洞(图四中间)。司机说遗址现在是军事基地,不能上。我想让他帮我拍张照片被拒绝,说被士兵看见会很麻烦。我心想那是因为你是伊拉克人,我一个无辜🀄️ 人外宾,为什么要找我麻烦呢?于是我让司机先回去了。果然不一会拍照的我就被士兵发现,把我叫上土丘。我心想,看看,我果然还是被请上辛那赫里布的宫殿了吧。两位士兵大叔听说我是🀄️ 人游客,喜笑颜开,连护照都不看了。他们让我把手里的空塑料瓶扔了,我本不想在尼尼微丢垃圾,既然说到这了就往空中一抛,随即落入一个盗洞里。一位进屋里给我拿冰水,另一个拿着我的手机帮我拍照,说虽然你不能拍照,但是我能。我知道他拍的方向是亚述巴尼拔的图书馆。
שדדה נינוה מי ינוד לה מאין אבקש מנחמים לך׃
从伦敦Gatwick机场开始,现在全世界有上百机场和一些航空公司(主要是欧洲)参与“隐蔽残障太阳花”活动。有隐形残障人士,比如自闭症、焦虑症等人士可以在这些机场领取一个太阳花胸牌,当需要额外帮助或者工作人员更多的耐心与理解的时候把胸牌挂在身上。就像一个暗语。西雅图的SeaTac机场是全美第一个参与的机场,现在美国有三十多个机场参与这项运动。同时SeaTac还建立了sensory room供有需要的乘客使用。对于视障人群,可以用SeaTac机场的wifi免费使用Aira软件,是一个像be my eye那种视健全人士通过视频指路的软件。SeaTac的太阳花柜台也可以提供翻译支持,包括手语翻译。
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond