Also I bought 2 new books today.
The first one is "The Joy of Kotlin". I intend to use it to fill in the gaps. I never "learnt" Kotlin, I just migrant from Java and started writing code. Then I gain experience from there and here occasionally. So before I take the interview (If they accepted my resume), I want to know if I miss something important in Kotlin (despite the job description requires Java).
The second one is "In-depth practice of Kotlin metaprogramming" (深入实践 Kotlin 元编程), written by a Chinese. It should talk about the metaprogramming, something like KSP for code generation, or compiler plugin for manipulating the IR. I still haven't read yet.
@C99CXMOE 快进到彻夜未眠(
Recently watched (in the past month):
+ Naoki Hanzawa
+ The Hobbit
+ The Lord of the Rings
+ Love Death + Robots
+ Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
+ Clarkson's Farm
+ The Queen's Gambit
+ Pom Poko
Judging by the number of movies and TV series I consumed in this short amount of time, I think my mental health is pretty self explaining. Normally I watch one film or TV series every 1 or 2 months. But overdosing films is better than overdosing other stuff, I guess.
I also have more than 400GB of random musicals I collect from the internet. Undocumented and some of them are untranslated. So I have a lot to overdose😂
@C99CXMOE 最后加一个Director's Cuts和Digital Gold Edition
Also found a specialized shop near my home. Very outstanding. I recognized it almost immediately.
Why? They sell ebike for 6k USD, and their s-works branded road bike FRAME is also 6k USD.
Thankfully I don't need a road bike (I think). A normal commuter bike is enough for me.
Life 101: save up to 100% if you don't buy it.
A second thought on copyright (while I'm watching hololive vtubers)
Maybe copyright is somehow doing some good thing. I mean, when you talk about a story about a vtuber, they're kind of actors, but not acting with their appearance, but the fictional designs. When you talk about them, or a song to reflect their stories, all the emotions are bound to this duplicatable, digital visual design, and the copyright law is protecting them from being abused. (Yeah, their copyright holder can still abuse them, but this is not in this argument. And I also argue that a loose copyright policy from the company will/is helpful among the community to promote vtuber)
However, the things that cannot be used to impersonate, like the movies and musics, they're overprotected by the copyright law.
Yes, vtubers cannot shift me from left back to right.
Stellar Stellar / 星街すいせい(official)
Suisei Channel
[ 中国迷惑電話対策用音声 くまのプーさん ]
If you have been following us for a while, you know that we like to speak up against unethical practices.
Let's be frank: spying on people's behavior is wrong, and browsers should not #track or #profile its users. Period.
If you agree with us, know that there are alternatives. Our mission is to stay true to our users and respect their privacy, and that's why we have disabled #Google #Topics API and made sure it doesn't work in Vivaldi. 🔥
Read more👇
我觉得离开 Twitter 的必要性已经足部变得跟我当年离开中国的必要性一样高了。Elon 为了赚钱(以及他膨胀的自我),已经到了可以随意颠倒黑白的程度了。有 spammer 不抓,这可以忍。把中国官宣账号的官宣标记去掉,而且手段是先把美国非官宣媒体标记为官宣然后一次性全部去除,这就很没有底线了。
直接导致一个沙特阿拉伯人因 tweet 获死刑,这就完全不可以接受了。(那个人只有两个低调的账号,虽然发 tweet 批评政府,但 follower 加起来总共 10 个。)这种跟极权政府合作的随意性,今天是沙特阿拉伯,明天可以是任意其他国家。这就导致使用 Twitter 本身很不安全。
在众多 Twitter 替代品当中,我觉得此时此刻最理想的是 Mastodon。Bluesky 用邀请限制进入,Nostr 大多数人学不会创建用户(跟创建钱包一样),这两者都因为没有足够多人而无法产生对话。Threads 尚未开放 API,但承诺开放不代表真开放。如果大家觉得有更好的替代品,也可以讨论一下去哪里更合适。
小时候被《平成狸合战》误导了,以为是什么狸猫打仗的片子,原来这么好看(省区剧透八万字),是我看过的最喜欢的吉卜力作品(真的,很多宫崎骏作品我都很提不起劲),看哭了55555 刚好很多细节也是因为更了解日本文化了所以才看出了这个片做得多细致,不管是百鬼夜行还是出场的全套武士铠甲,还是这种极具艺术感的古早画风又或是恰到好处的传统配乐,每一帧都很喜欢。这种生活真的只有人类才受得了吧,我每天都想把自己放归山林。
@fatelab 塔罗牌
@fatelab 算卦
@fatelab 求签 算卦 塔罗牌
立法机关很多年前就坏掉了,所谓的 “草案修改征求意见”,只是个故障端口。(例如离婚冷静期征求意见的时候,全国人大收到铺天盖地的反对意见,照样通过。例如那个什么,算了不提了。)
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond