@Candinya 而且从可信程度来说,yubikey结构简单,也不联网,更容易验证安全性。手机的话。。。你看之前拼多多用上游漏洞,连三星都没逃过去,我是不太相信手机的安全性的(
@Candinya 感觉物理设备认证倒是没什么,我自己也在用yubikey,但我觉得手机就一般了。我看网上说认证密钥可以云同步,想想看把你的密钥同步到小米或者华为的服务器上,那真是隐私灾难
@Candinya 我总觉得passkey把登陆方式和物理设备绑定在一起是一个更不安全的做法(我还是更新来密码一些
@freemo meanwhile, Chinese: the leaning tower of bisa.
(In case you want to know the pronunciation, here it is: 比萨斜塔)
I need to know *everything*. How else can I judge whether or not I need to know it?
Said Sir Humphrey Appleby.
Reading the title I thought it was about z-library or internet archive. Anyway, I noticed a USB LTO9 tape drive from Japan. But sadly, a) they don't sell to individuals, and b) I probably can't afford it.
This library has every book ever published.
by Tom Scott
These days surfacing the internet is harder than before.
Keri Blakinger 通过长达数年的信件往来和每隔三个月一次一小时的探监,采访了几十年如一日地玩「龙与地下城」的德州死刑犯们。
他们被单独监禁,玩 DnD 只能用非常原始的沟通方式,用笔画出二十等分的圆形转盘替代骰子,把被称为「风筝」的小纸条沿着相邻牢房一个一个传下去通信。有的人入狱不久就收到了 一起玩 DnD 的邀请,有的甚至因为绘画天赋被前墨西哥黑帮老大相中,特意被安排到隔壁的牢房当老大专属的 DnD 画师。
对于动辄关押二三十年的死刑犯来说,也许时间在入狱的那一刻就停止了流动,停在了 DnD 高光的八九十年代。也许透过 DnD 的虚拟角色讲述自己的故事,是他们直面过去最好的 therapy。也许 DnD 的世界是他们体验人生最后的方式。
@error 感觉就是关闭所有连接,然后把文件复制一份?
@C99CXMOE 我现在最喜欢空岛和种田。曾经喜欢过科技和魔法,但太复杂了,空半个月不玩就全忘了(
#food 同志们,强推这个方子,用蔬菜三宝和红酒腌牛肉是关键,腌完的生肉非常醇香,煎的时候滋啦啦往外冒醇香的气,高压锅第一遍炖完的肉已经非常好吃了,后续用番茄和番茄沙司煨我已经等不及,狂吃第一遍炖完不要的胡萝卜,明天还要上泡芙皮烤——简直不像我能做出来的菜,窃以为明天party肯定会有人夸我的
The first book, originally is a splendid book. Detailed explanation, great typesetting, easy to read.
But the Chinese translation is shit. Reading 10 pages and I have already downloaded the English version from z-library. It's such a shame to see the book is translated in this way. Wrong typesetting: mixed usage of Chinese and English punctuations, wrong code content. Why there is missing/additional space that makes the code goes wrong? Not mention the hard-to-read explainations, it's just word by word translation, it's not Chinese at all. I have to find the original English sentence to figure out the meaning.
I want to support the author, so I purchased the book. But the translation is so bad that I have to download the pirate version from z-library.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Also, the first result from google search "z library" is fake, it's scam. I login to that site and it ask me to purchase a life time premium. That's FAF (fake as fack). Now I have to reset the password again.
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond