@Candinya 工程师上错号了(
By "but I never think it's a job", I mean I never think it will be my job. I help my friends with their computer problems for free. I think charging them for those issues is not appropriate. Sometimes I do spent a lot of time, but it's interesting.
I have a question. Asked sincerely.
Should one stick with his dream anyway, or just take what he has at the moment and wait for chances?
I graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor's degree in Computer science. But now it's over a year that I still failed to get a job in this crowded city (aka Beijing). From 7+ years ago I started learning Java and programming (mainly because of Minecraft, the Java edition of course), and I rarely work on other languages. After graduation, it comes with the territory, I want to work as a Java programmer (I mean, kotlin might count as Java, in my perspective). But with countless training classes and Layoffs, I can't get a job writing Java/Kotlin.
I don't know how job hunting works in other places, but here in China people don't care what you can or capable of doing something, but care what job/experience you have done in the past, kind of proof that you can do something. To me, that's kind of locked in someone's life way in a certain trajectory. You code once, you code forever, since you only have a job to code. You didn't code once, then you can't code forever, since you don't have a job/intern and people don't even give you a chance (because there are too many people who did that same thing before).
Recently I've been thinking (yeah, when I'm not fighting with my emotions which are hard to control), should I try another path? Like Ops, the one who fix your broken printer in the company, etc. I do help people building PCs, fix their networks, and some other issues with computers, but I never think it's a job. And I didn't see any growth in that path. And I don't think being a DC Ops will give you extra points when migrate. Also it's less paid. However, this might be the most likely job I will get in the near future.
What should I choose?
@Candinya 可能是事务把数据库锁住了?
作为一切起点的生牛奶/raw milk现在几乎不能容易搞到了,超市卖的都是杀菌过的。巴氏杀菌/pasteurised不到一百度,还需要冷藏保存,但能继续接下去折腾;ultra pasteurised (UHT)超过一百度,可以常温保存,但也终止了一切花活。
分离/skim支线上下一阶段产物是低脂奶/skimmed milk和奶油/cream。分离使用的skimmer不同可以得到不同脂肪含量的奶和奶油。全脂牛奶/whole milk一般脂肪含量是3.25%左右,低脂奶通常有0%、1%、2%。奶油通常有15%(淡奶油/light cream: 包括往咖啡里倒的table cream)、35%(奶油/(heavy)cream: 包括打发用的whipping cream)、40%+(double cream)。需要注意奶油是否液体和脂肪含量没有必然关系,可以通过增稠剂让淡奶油粘稠。
Whole milk/skimmed milk的另一个支线是加菌种/cultured bacteria(或者kefir grain)。有结块效果/curdle的支线走向芝士/奶酪/cheese,只有发酵/ferment的支线走向酸奶/yogurt和kefir。芝士支线上先出现的是各种fresh cheese (e.g. cottage、ricotta),通常较软;继续“熟成”几个星期到几年的是ripened cheese,通常较硬。同一种芝士可能有不同硬度,比如mozzarella。
酸奶和kefir支线上,kefir是一个独立线,加的不是乳酸菌而是kefir grain。酸奶支线上接下去的选择是去水/strain:
Greek yogurt = strained yogurt
Labneh = strained Greek yogurt = double strained yogurt
这个支线上有一个“异类”是冰岛酸奶/Icelandic yogurt/Skyr。它有结块,介乎于酸奶和芝士之间。
把这个关系网理明白之后,就很容易理解许多tips/tricks/hacks了。比如用whole milk和butter组合得到cream、whipping cream过度打发后没法用可以死马当活马医直接做成butter、whole milk/skimmed milk + cream来得到更高脂肪含量/口感更creamy的yogurt、Greek yogurt可以部分代替sour cream来做菜/烘焙、做Greek yogurt之后滤出来的“水”/whey可以加入whole milk去做ricotta cheese……
Unemployment Rate:
2022 graduate: 18.1%
2023 graduate: 20.1%
And the government said the economy is recovering and growing.
(Well, they do stop announcing unemployment rate since 7 months ago)
Life in Yunnan seems to be the happiest one in my recent 4 or 5 years, even considering that bike crash force me to stay more than 2 weeks at home.
Sadly I have to go back to my normal life in Beijing, where I as a 2022 graduate trying to find a job where most companies only accept 2023 and 2024 graduate. Looks like there is no place for people who were left in 2022.
News said Chinese economy is recovering. I don't think so.
要求浏览器无条件信任欧盟指定 CA 及公钥的 eIDAS 草案被三方会谈通过,将被送审。
此草案的第 45 条如是说。欧盟成员国可以指定合格信任服务提供商 (QTSPs),而浏览器除非取得政府同意,否则不被允许移除对这些 QTSP 的信任,甚至不被允许进行任何额外核查(例如目前广泛存在的证书透明度要求等)。
EFF、Mozilla、Linux Foundation 等组织/企业撰写公开信反对草案的这一部分。
- https://last-chance-for-eidas.org/
- https://eidas-open-letter.org/
thread: /3392
#EU #eIDAS #PKI #Privacy
Telegram 原文
TUIC 协议开发者的文章。在好几年前 SS 时代,Clowwindy 也写过类似的话,如图……
Clash core、Clash for Windows、Clash for android作者删库,Clash meta、TUIC作者封锁库。翻墙界的程序员作者们境况不明,不论他/她们是被威胁强迫还是主动跑路躲避。虽然我已经润走,但我还是要替墙内朋友感谢他们能让翻墙者睁眼看世界。
2015年SS(Shadowsocks)开发者Clowwindy被喝茶,2016年SSR(ShadowsocksR)开发者Breakwa11被逼退网,2019年V2ray core开发者Victoria Raymond突然失联,再到Clash系开发者们。
BREAKING: Israel military confirms it bombed Gaza’s largest refugee camp—resulting in IDF mass killing Palestinian refugees. Horrific.
We demand a Ceasefire. It is a violation of international human rights law to kill refugees & civilians.
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond