@royalbeagle 我也看到三星输入法那个问题了。打字的时候右边确实有个搜狗的标,但是我洁癖,没开搜狗云输入,不知道这样会不会引发类似的问题。我问了问其他人,但是目前也没人能解答这个问题。
- 一个经典的反向行为面试问题看公司是不是有毒
- 如何在在工作场合中设定边界
- 案例:临时来活儿了咋办,同事说了不合适的话咋办,会议超时咋办,同事人不错但爱问东问西咋办
没想到我成了读书博主!读了The Book of Boundaries之后写了读书笔记《手把手教你建立边界感》。 https://yitaoli2023.github.io/yitaoli/posts/the-book-of-boundaries/
- 边界的定义
- 如何调整心态(从而设定边界)
- 如何设定边界
- 设定边界之后,别人gaslight我怎么办
Firefox is fighting to make browsing fairer!
Introducing our new issue tracker to document challenges where platforms put Firefox at a disadvantage.
We're committed to a level playing field for all. We call on Apple, Google, and Microsoft to engage with us in this new forum to speedily resolve these concerns. https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/2024/01/19/platform-tilt/ #firefox #opensource
And the creator of NTP passed away recently.
Thank you Dave Mills
Ai新毒药nightshade 的正式版已经上了!它会在你的图上打一个不太能看出来的码,但凡有人把你的图喂给ai,你的图就能摧毁他整个同类词的ai模组,但是不保护被学习的风格
Last toot I said I'm going to be employed. It's a quick decision, both to me and to the company. It's a fairly small company, around 30 people including the programmers and administrators. And it's not a high salary job (with the current FX rate, it's around 1k USD pre-tax), but the environment is very people-friendly, not like big companies where everyone is bonded by the rules. You need to go home and handle something? Sure, bring your laptop and they'll count you as working from home. If you really can't handle both, you can just ask and normally you get several days off.
The most important factor to make me decide to work there is no frequent overtime working. There will be overtime working, but most of them are predictable and you will be informed beforehand. And you can choose if you want to get money compensation or save it as an extra holiday and use it later. I don't know about other areas, but in China, man, this is the best you can ask for.
(Context: the average weekly working hours are 49 hours. Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1391557/weekly-average-working-hours-china/ )
The person who interviewed me is one of the bosses charges the tech things. I can tell he knows programming since we can understand what we're talking: blockchain, LLM, JVM, etc. It's a delightful interview. But that day is Friday and it's almost 5 pm (4:30). So we agree to meet on Monday. I'll show up in the morning and they do the rest, contract, etc.
I hope everything goes well. And thanks to you, my friends, for bearing my nonsense in the past year and congrate me on my (possiblely) new job.
Got an urgent interview.
During lunch, the recruiter asked when I'm available for an interview. I'd prefer next week, but the recruiter said the leader won't be available, she suggested next Monday.
Then she told me if I could go there this afternoon.
At now I'm going to work at that company next Monday.
That's totally unexpected. In 4 or 5 hours and now I'm going to be employed. Wow
ʻĪao Valley State Monument
ʻĪao Valley State Monument去年刚维修完,跟其他state park一样parking 10元门票一人5元。这个地方是当年king kamehameha征服maui岛时打仗的地方。特点是P1的ʻĪao needle,火山岩被侵蚀而成,看起来毛茸茸的好想摸摸哦。由于昨天刚下过大雨P4的山上挂着两条瀑布,冰岛既视感!
trail都很短很好走,向下的trail可以走到溪边。刚下过雨河水汹涌,能看到本身长在河中的高草植物都被flash flood冲倒了,所以下雨还是要注意安全。水边还有一棵巨大的不知道什么树,P3的树根都已经裸露在外,巨大的岩石卡在上面很神奇,感觉未来总有一天水土流失后这棵树会倒掉。
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond