Today I took a lot of photos (more than a hundred), but in the end, I only selected 14 that were usable. I used Affinity Photo 2 to process these RAW files. Although I have Lightroom Classic, I wanted to try Affinity's software as an action to resist and break free from Adobe's subscription model.
The 50MP RAW from the main camera of the Samsung did surprise me a bit. There is more flexibility in post-adjustments compared to JPG, but it still doesn't compare to a real camera. However, considering the cost-performance ratio, I am satisfied. So far, including the phone, the equipment I use for photography doesn't exceed 13,000 RMB, which is roughly the price of an entry-level camera and lens.
Unfortunately, these photos are too large, averaging around 15 to 20MB each, so I can't upload them to Mastodon. I will try other platforms instead.
Note: This toot is translated from Chinese into English using AI. I'm too tired to speak in English...
Kevin! Keviiin!
This wireless router can’t possibly be good… can it? - Minion Routers
by ShortCircuit
This year SAM turns 20! 🥂
SAM is the client protocol application developers use for connecting with the I2P network. SAM V3 was introduced in May 2009. More recent 3.x versions support advanced features: German ISPs block SciHub on #copyright grounds. Could impede access to science.
So fancy!
This Invention Made Disney MILLIONS, but Then They LOST It!
by Corridor Crew
Today I finally read the article that I planned to read for a while, but didn't read because I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared.
The article is titled "Working like this for 30 years". It has been suppressed not long after its release. Now the government can't even accept the fact.
For real, I don't believe in the idea of Endowment Insurance. At least not in China. I won't waste my hard-earned money for what, 40+ years in the future. I think the only useful thing for now is the medical insurance, but the government said you have to buy both or none. So now I'm looking for commercial insurance. Most of them require you to have a medical insurance from the government (part of the social security thing?). But surely not all of them require that, right?
Other than that, man, when I knew the pension for farmers are only 68 CNY a month in 2024, I was really shocked. I'm now doing monthly donation to UNICEF to help children in China, at least I can still trust the UN. But as the article said, the old generations are the forgotten ones. People get misunderstood on them, and they don't know how to speak for themselves. It really makes me feel hopeless.
If any of my English-speaking friends want to read it, there is a link translated by Google:
@colorfusion 最近看了一篇综述就讲到大家其实很容易低估自己在社交行为中给对方带来的正面影响。常见的被低估的行为包括和陌生人开始一段对话、表达自己的感激/赞美、做善事帮助他人。对方感受到的正面情绪往往高于自己的估计,甚至自己在事后体验的正面情绪也高于自己的估计。
这个研究结论甚至不是建基于针对东亚人的研究。这篇综述中大多数的研究都来自于欧美社会 也许大家真的可以试试从一些小的社交开始,大概率双方都会很开心!
Forester 20-60x82 Double ED Monocular
Samsung s23+ main lens with auto shutters and auto iso, manual focus.
Forester 20-60x82 Double ED Monocular
Samsung s23+ main lens with auto shutters and auto iso, manual focus.
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond