Confidence is not "I know what I'm doing."
Confidence is "I know how to find that out" and "I know how to learn new things" and most importantly "I know when I don't know what I'm doing, so I stop and find someone who does"
Obnoxious blowhards rely on people not understanding this distinction. And they amplify it by framing actual confidence as weakness.
This may be a useful thing to talk about with certain people in your life who are being fooled by fascists.
Watched Liz and the blue bird again. Every time I feel emotionally down from my inner side, I watch this move. (And for those curious, every time someone else annoyed me, I watch John Wick.)
For the Liz and the blue bird, it's a great movie, describes the relationship and feelings of Nozomi and Mizore. It is also a mirror, reflecting the viewer's own past experiences, and let them fill into the film, which makes me feel differently every time I watch it. I think one reason is that I share some of the personalities with the characters in file, and that makes me thinking and help me sort out my inner discord. And that's probably why I like watching anime and movies that describe two person's relationship.
For the most of times, it is always me thinking too much, and falling into the realms of conjecture (came out a result with pure imagination). Sometimes it's correct, sometimes it's wrong. But either way I feel mentally pain during this process of brain working (or let's call it thinking). I dont think this is a bad thing, sometimes it actually warns me and let me prepare for that. But overall it's not a pleasant thing, and will causing problems to how I deal with my relationship with other.
And for this time, other than the two main characters, the other two I like is Ririka and Natsuki.
@error 这是啥,金属的?
英国新任副首相Angela Rayner女士出身草根,家道贫寒,16岁就怀孕辍学,仅仅以做护工为生,但因护理界工会的关系得以加入工党开始参政生涯,2015年当选议员正式走入政坛。她主要关注医疗和教育问题,被公众认为是温和左翼。2019年科尔宾带领的工党惨败给约翰逊带领的保守党之后,她当选工党副党魁并入选影子内阁,一跃由普通议员成为英国部长级大臣的继任者。今年大选后工党强势翻盘,影子内阁转正上台,她也成为了英国第一位女性副首相。一个没有学历, 没有成功职业背景,没有政商裙带关系的纯草根女性,从政四年就坐在了英国一人之下的位置上。而对此事你国的热搜只强调了她16岁怀孕辍学,于是自然收获了巨量的诸如靠出卖色相上位之类的荡妇羞辱。然而这就是正常国家,无论你出身多差、以前的路多坎坷,都没有一辈子毁了的说法。在你国所谓的一辈子毁了,真正的含义是所有大爹不满意的地方都是歧视和迫害你的借口。在你国别说16岁怀孕辍学,哪怕只是上个大专,不用说政界,全社会一大半的大门都将对你关闭。你以为你失去机会差的是学历出身之类,其实错了,你差的是让大爹满意的奴性。
I'm actually shocked by the quality of some HAM software... How dare you charge me 70 USD for a pile of VB shit? I admire your algorithm, but I won't pay for your amateur programming. I bet someone can figure out some buffer overflow RCE in those modems.
For some of the open source software, today I tried to set up XLXd, not hard, since there are not many options to config. Basically most of the things are hard coded.
Then I tried to use MMDVM Bridge to connect DMR TG 46001 to my XLX server. Using Github to distribute precompiled binary? No document? No source code? Well, I quit.
I also have a 4b, but I don't have time to set up the hardware. The mmdvm board for zero is kinda small. The pcb trace is antenna. Another model for full size raspberry pi has a dedicated sma connector for external antenna, I think that will be better?
After I move to kunming I need to do some tests to ensure I'm not breaking the law.
Set up pi star on a raspberry pi zero, and immediately ordered a zeo 2 w. Single core is not enough.
During the testing, I got several signals from Chinese stations, but no voice. Some are less than 1s long, and some are multiple seconds. I thought it's my fault on my end, so I spend a lot of time debugging. Then find out they just pushed ptt bottom for testing.
When I test my setup using parrot mode, I always speak out something like "test test 123", so others won't be confused. Especially today is my first time setting up this kind of stuff. Wasted some time, but still feel interesting (and tired, have to pack up my luggage).
@hanawa 还真没了,可是openwrt还在,我估计是不是因为他们内部用不上了(可是没道理啊,存量Debian用户开了机器应该是默认用腾讯云的镜像,删了他们咋更新?
@hanawa 啊?
Purchased a MMDVM board with Raspberry Pi Zero W, right before I'm planning to move to Kunming.
Then I found out I know nothing about the YSF and Wire-X stuff...
HF is so simple that you just plug the cables and start doing digit modes. WSJT and FT8 are the most popular modes here in China (I guess?). But I tried RTTY and PSK31. I want to do a feld-hell QSO, but nobody is on air even during the contest, probably because there are not many club members in Asia?
When thinking about moving to Kunming, I would like to first ship my FT-70DR, the handheld device. And after figuring out my license renewal thing, I will consider shipping my FT-450D to Kunming, maybe in October?
Of course I won't do FT8 on VHF and UHF. So I'll set up an MMDVM hotspot and give it a test. If everything goes well, I hope the device I bought is not soldered on, so I can upgrade to Pi Zero 2W.
Still need more local HAM friends. (Probably should post this in Chinese?)
**I have a job now!**
I'm a Chinese shitizen, but I generally don't post in Chinese to avoid being suffering from other Chinese.
I'm physically a male, but I don't care how people think about my gender. I can be male, or female, or cat. But if you ask, I'd prefer to be referred to as male. Also, I support LGBT+ people, and I'm a copyleft. I don't think I'm too aggressive in arguing things, but sometimes I do. You should handle it with care.
I post about programming (most time is Java and Kotlin, unless I have a new love), and some random things I find interesting. I also post about my mental health, which is in a stable state of instability, thanks to my parents and Chinese society.
Anyway, if you want to follow me, I'm glad to see you. And, have a nice day.
Alt: @skyblond