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BTW, FT8 makes me feel comfortable since other modes like voice or psk31 are too real-time. I can't react that fast but I don't want the other side to be waiting for me.


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Didn't be on air in 2021 due to the covid (was locked down in college).

Today I was backing up my qso records and found some Ukraine stations.

Hope they're safe, and...
F*ck the god damn war.

Just have a glance on

It listed in the suspended list because of "choosing to federate with fascist instances."


Technically speaking, each new instance could be fascist instances, unless you see and verify it, so I guess in this case, what you need/want is a whitelist, not a blacklist.

So in defense of qoto, I'd say no one can represent me, and my opinion (including Chinese governments and other companies, that's why I deleted Weibo in 2014 and now moved from Twitter to mastodon, after Musk purchased twitter). If there is a fascist instance, I have to see it in my eye and block it with my own hand. It's much different from admins "helping" me block it, especially without notifying me.



Checkout this visual tutorial on how to use @opensuse 's new Leap Micro 5.2. Cool Demo!







最近很喜欢玩 Disco Diffusion(一个 AI 画图小工具),颇是有种造物主的感觉:只要输入一条指令,或具体或笼统,远程服务器就会吭哧吭哧地不停产出画作,甚至还会持续修正风格,像个永不疲惫的完美乙方。


看到首页上有象友说看到周边人的生活,或者周边的人的好的能力,会感到焦虑。其实说实话我直到去年年底也多少是会有的,对自己认可和接纳较多的时候,这种焦虑就较少。但真正打破我这个焦虑惯性的是经历亲人突然离世,我不得不把精力集中起来,先过好日常的起居,再做好工作,再增加娱乐和创作。简而言之就是没有多余的情绪和精力,来焦虑了。在这么有限的精力前提下,必须要做出哪里放自己的精力的选择。这样一段时间就专心顾好自己的生活后,也确实不怎么会在意很多以前会在意的事情了,这个与别人的比较导致的焦虑的习惯就打破了。我现在还是时不时早上起来,会contemplate the unavoidable death。所有发愁的,焦虑的,嫉妒的事情,100年以后会有意义吗。对我来说更有意义的就是为一个vision努力,保持好奇心和开放度,与自己的灵性多对话,多创作很分享,爱自己和别人,其他的事情就不那么重要了。

*depression message warning* 

I know nobody who dies on flight MU5735. I know nobody who is currently suffering in Ukraine and Shanghai. But seeing those videos, photos, and reports, I feel dispirited. That's not the world I imagined when I was young. I want to go out and help people, but I don't have the power, and also don't have the money.

Also, you may know the "The Great Translation Movement". Although I'm Chinese, living in mainland China, it's unexpected for me to see those speeches. My weibo account has been banned in 2014, and I rarely view Chinese public social media. I used to have trust issues with my government, now the trust issues extend to the whole society, to all Chinese I don't know. I don't know who will report my speech and try to screw my life up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I guess we need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others. May conscience and braveness lead me.

Replaced all four disks in my unraid server. Today moved 800GB of data, total 2.8TB.

I don't have a spare server to migrate the data, so I pull out old disks, installed new disks, then read the data from the old disk. Unraid use xfs, so each disk can be read.

Before i pull out all disks, I performed a parity check to make sure the old disk has correct data. Maybe it's safer to calculate each file's hash before pulling them out. But I guess they won't be corrupted during the reading process.

Get new RAM modules: 2x32GB DDR4 SODIMM.

Now I can run 8 VMs and 2 IDEAs at the same time, meanwhile having infinite chrome tabs opened.

Here is a test screenshot, where I ran 8 VMs and 2 IDEA, one is running a springboot application service in the background. I also have a Minecraft 1.18 running. For the last 21GB of memory, I used it in the MemTest64.

I don't know why the system has a blue screen because of the "video scheduler internal error". But after I switch to dedicate GPU and switch it back, it just stops crashing.

For those sanctions, I can accept that they are pushing Putin to stop the war. But this announcement? I don't think Putin will stop the invasion just because Russian hams can't get points in CQWW DX contests. I think this is discrimination against Russian hams.

I am personally against Russia's invasion, and I think those sanctions and punishments should be more focused on Putin and his government, rather than normal people (however, I think it's acceptable to have some influence on normal people, but not direct to them).

I do accept sports unions to punish Russia's football teams. It has a wider influence. However, hams? I won't even give a fuck if I was not a ham. I'm not saying all punishment and sanctions are invalid, but you have to make it efficient, rather than kill everything from Russia.

*I'm a certified HAM in China mainland, and my callsign starts with BI1, but I will never publish something that can reveal my identity in public. In China, hams are more likely to work individually, and won't be related to the government, or the invasion. And nobody would care about this announcement if they are not a HAM. So, in my humble opinion, this announcement won't help stop the invasion. Correct me if I'm wrong.*

① 首先一定要倾听!
- 啊,那你是不是很生气?(刚听到事情)
- 然后呢?(鼓励对方表达)
- 这也难怪你很生气啊!/可是你确实很生气了呀!(哪怕不理解对方为什么生气,你也能理解ta很生气,类似“既然是你,为这个生气也很合理”——没有阴阳怪气)

I'm using JavaFX to finish my frontend.

And I don't want to put buttons for pagination.

So I implemented a table view that can scroll infinitely and automatically load new data when scroll to the bottom.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.