I tried to find out about something on the internet (TM) based on the attached meme.
"what are examples for cool databases"
I found out nothing and the #ai I used said I should put in some money, but instead I wrote this post.
#cloud #architecture #database #meme #devlife
@dbread see https://hachyderm.io/@forrestbrazeal/109659993603087826
@spoltier Thanks for the Brazeal link, what a gifted artist.
In the meantime i found out about the "Database of Databases" but nothing about cool databases.
Are there any cool databases out there?
#devlife #engineering #architecture
@dbread datomic seems pretty cool. sqlite is neat, I don't know about cool.
QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance All cultures welcome. Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.
@spoltier Thanks for the Brazeal link, what a gifted artist.
In the meantime i found out about the "Database of Databases" but nothing about cool databases.
Are there any cool databases out there?
#devlife #engineering #architecture