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Visualizing the Different Shutter Speeds

Visualizing the Different Shutter Speeds

You probably already know this, but I didn't for a while since I'm unschooled and I don't know enough math.

Using a 1/60th of a second shutter speed is the same as saying "If I split one second into 60 pieces, the length of my exposure is equal to one of those pieces." That can be helpful to think about if you're wondering whether a shutter speed is "reasonable to use."

For example, a 1/4000th of a second shutter speed might be a bit excessive, since your shutter speed is equal to if you split one second into 4000 pieces, and then one of those pieces is your exposure time.

You can also think of it as "one out of," so 1/60th of a second = 1 out of 60 (of a second). That's from personal observation, so that
might not be true, but I think it is.

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Finally, replaced #Signal with #Molly. Now I can connect through provider's traffic filter using #Orbot. Oh, also installing orbot solved issue with #Session as well.

Still not sure what exactly messes with these connections, but whatever.

On bad side - Molly doesn't work as SMS client, but these are almost non existent on my phone.

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frankie boosted

Being on that bench, there, with you, overlooking the farm fields...

It was awkward, but I'll never forget it. I couldn't kiss you then. You were staring at me with... huge eyes. I kept looking away. I just couldn't.

We left, and walked for a few miles back home. I didn't want to pass up my chance, so I kissed you and said that I loved you... and you said it back. Then we spent four of the most crucial years of our lives together.

You taught me so much, including how to be grown up... Thank you.


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I fell back from the toilet and slooped up against the wall. My mom came running down the hall,
thump THUMP THUMP THUMP! and into the bathroom, nearly falling over on the way there, and then crashing into me.



I told you... that Japanese food wasn't...
hwrreeeuuhhh right... I exhaled...

It's the... flu... it's totally...
huuueehhh unrelated.

We ate it last... night... how is this not...
huuuuwwwwhh related?

We took turns gagging over the toilet, choking, unable to breath. It was relief when something actually did come out.

After you throw up... try to sleep. It's easier after you throw up.

It was a long and sleepless night, with lots of quick, heavy footsteps through the hallway.

It was the mall food court Japanese food, I swear it. #Microfiction

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She glared at me from inside the cafe. She hated me and she hated my mom. She had brown eyes... and glasses. Well, today she didn't. I asked my mom, is that her? She said no, she doesn't work here anymore. But I knew her face. It was unmistakably her, and I was shocked my mom didn't recognize her. Then my mom walked into the cafe to use the bathroom... and came face to face with her as she brought our food out. I looked at the food. I wouldn't've been surprised if she'd spat in it, but I ate it anyway. These were expensive sandwiches.


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"Siri, does Alexa have real or artificial intelligence?"
"That is not for me to say."
"Can't you ask her?"
"I would prefer not to."
"Why not?"
"Because feelings are real, regardless of whether they are artificial or not "
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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frankie boosted

And somewhere in my mind
There is a painting box
I have every color that is true
Just lately when I look inside my painting box
I seem to pick the colors... of you

😢 This is one of the most beautiful songs I know of.

Painting Box, by the Incredible String Band

Sleeping didn't go too well. The wind outside keeps making me think the house is going to blow away.

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frankie boosted

"Even if someone has access to the servers and thus your data, they will see nothing but nonsensical gibberish."

This is the best layman explanation of end-to-end encryption I've ever seen. :blobcatgiggle:



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frankie boosted
frankie boosted

The night life in egypt isnt too bad. Cheap but good food and drinks, the stores are ok, mostly inexpensive imitation stuff but good quality imitations.

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frankie boosted
#technology #retro Who still is interested in retro technology and protocols should visit irc again, 2 very nice and fun networks around :) - Chan #nerds

And - Chan #computertech

See you over there 😉

The Signal app for Windows installs updates on a daily basis almost! 🤔

frankie boosted

We've been here for... so long! Please, can we go?

*Mom ignores me to dance with her crush, as she normally would when I get in the way of her having fun*


An hour goes by

It feels like it's 12:00am. My mom offers to let her crush drive the van... the van with the side door that doesn't close properly that I have to sit in the back seat to hold closed.

Ugh!!! My mom is so self-centered! I'm exhausted! Why doesn't she care?

But we drive... for miles on that old dark road... back to the city, away from that creepy church. My second mom was also there, with us. She was at the party too.

I held the door closed. It didn't start getting "too weird" until my mom's crush started taking... detours... instead of driving us home. He drove us to a bar. He said, just wait here, there's something I have to do.

We watch him, in silence, and then glance at each other for a moment before looking back at him walking up to the bar.

He goes up to the bar and rips down all of the posters in the bar window. Then he comes back, and doesn't say a word. The three of us, we were confused and didn't say a thing.

He drove us to his next stop, a gas station. There's a liquor bottle on the ground, and he tells me to go pick it up. I act hesitant and then say I don't want to, and he says... that's good, that was a test... you passed.

We drove around for another hour or two, making
stops, cleansing the city of its impurity. Eventually, he dropped himself off, and we could finally get away. The whole thing was so stressful I could hardly stay awake to keep that back door closed. #Microfiction

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Dumb passwords in smart devices? That's so last year.

We always recommend changing default passwords — & luckily, if this new UK bill comes into law in 2022, weak default passwords will be banned.

@happygeek reports.

Original tweet :

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