RT @ToxicsFree@twitter.com

The Plastic Recycling Hoax

“recycling has created the appearance of a solution to the waste problem.
But the greater issue is the
chemical toxicity at the root of plastic production itself”

#plasticspoison #plasticstreaty wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takea

🐦🔗: twitter.com/ToxicsFree/status/

Momentum is growing for the restitution of objects, such as the Benin Bronzes, stolen from #Africa.

Return of these artifacts is also an opportunity for Africa's museums to figure out their role in preserving and fostering their communities' cultures

Listen here to this episode of "The Conversation Weekly" or on your favorite #podcast platform theconversation.com/why-stolen #News

Timeline cleanse: This baby elephant messing around with an on air reporter is totally adorbs 🥰

(h/t Sheldrick Wildlife Trust)

How to Catch a Mountain Lion
an illustrative guide

1. Place a cardboard box where the animal frequently visits.
2. Sit back and wait.
3. A cat is a cat is a cat.

All this fuzz about a silly TV show and some online discussions? Is this really worth the effort? Does this change anything?

It is. It does.

A perspective on #PublicOutreach in #archaeology, by @odietrich_@twitter.com & myself (#ArchInfo 42, 2019):


Whenever I’m having a bad day, I remember that children practice reading books to shelter dogs at the Humane Society of Missouri to help comfort them and reduce their anxiety, therefore increasing their chances to get adopted down the line.

'They were displaying the typical symptoms of being stoned: red eyes, wobbly gaits, and drowsy demeanors. But these weren’t people who had just frequented their local dispensary—they were cows.'

🔗 : science.org/content/article/he

Hey all - hoping you tooters might help with a quick question :)

Does anyone know of any journals where the editorial board has special submission privileges - I know that at PNAS, they can forego editorial triage and go straight to peer review (and even suggest their own reviewers) - are there any other "glam" journals where EB members have special privileges like this?


New York Magazine have published an outrageous article on #LongCovid , claiming post-viral illnesses such as #MECFS are treatable using #psychotherapy - implying such illnesses are driven by psychological factors not physical dysfunction.

This outdated view is widely discredited #pseudoscience. Shocking to see it rehashed in 2022.

Here, journalism professor David Tuller, who was mentioned in the article (but not interviewed for it), reports on some of the reaction.


This week the Cornell Lab of Ornithology released fine scale population trends maps for over 500 North American #birds based on #eBird data. These maps are the culmination of several years of research and development by the #eBird Status and Trends team, and all this work was only possible because of the amazing community of eBirders who contributed 43.8 million checklists to the dataset we used to estimate population trends.

Learn more and view the interactive maps at science.ebird.org/en/status-an

Applications are open for the Diverse Voices in Science Journalism Internship - a great opportunity to work at @NewsfromScience for a summer. Please spread the word! bit.ly/3NS2YnX

"The underlying reason is simple, and sad: we all expect women to take on this work, which is why we ask them more often and judge them harshly when they say no. Women have internalized these expectations, and they feel a lot of pressure to say yes." nature.com/articles/d41586-022

Lectured on ‘60s feminism and gay liberation today and, as I walked out of the hall, realized a group of senior citizen auditors were sharing memories with some students who seemed really into it, and dammit that made my day.

The #PortableAntiquitiesScheme - Cymru is contributing to a forthcoming Virtual Tour event, led by Dig Ventures, who are currently excavating at Rosina Vallis, near to #StDavids. The tour is online, free, and gives a chance to explore the ongoing excavations. I'll be there talking about the sort of finds that we might expect to identify from an early monastic site.

Check out "Virtual Tour | Archaeology Dig at Rosina Vallis, with Ancient Connections" eventbrite.co.uk/e/virtual-tou @Eventbrite

If you live in CO-03 & voted for @AdamForColorado@twitter.com against MAGA Boebert, please check the status of your ballot.

Ballots are still being cured. We have only a few days to cure them. And your ballot could make the difference in this race. Check here: Colorado.ballottrax.net

Basque language, historical linguistics, unbridled freakin' excitement 

holy shit!!!!! just saw this from AlistairDodds on the birdsite:



#Euskara #Basque #Archeology #HistoricalLinguistics

Just saw that #mosstodon and #lichensubscribe were hashtags, so here are some moss and lichen photos from a recent stroll in western Massachusetts (on the AT near Mt Everett) to brighten your Monday

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