#Introduction I'm a research and data analyst for the #Science Journals who spends my days immersed in the world of #scholarly #publishing, #ethics, #policy, #DEI, #scicomm, and of course #data.
I'm trained as an #archaeologist and will forever be straddling the worlds of #arts #humanities and #sciences. My past research looked at the #spatial dimensions of #craft #practice in first millennium BC #britain with a particular focus on #ancient #metallurgy and #metalworking via a lens of #experimental #archaeology. And yeah, I'll *eventually* write up some of my PhD work...
I'm a #theory junky and I'm team #realism (over positivism) forever.
Here's ten years of me in my natural habitats.
Hello Mastodon,
I am an archaeologist who studies animal remains from ancient Greece. I love sharing archaeology with people. #Histodon #archaeology
If you have visual impairements, such as #keratoconus or any near sightedness conditions like me, I recomment using Whalebird as a #Mastodon desktop client
It really is personnalizable to a really deep level and I am able to make the characters reaaally big like at 19 and I was able to change the color of almost anything so I can make it to the color contrast I see the best.
I also set the font to one of my favorite, Arial.
If you're not visually impaired you will also like this app because it enables more personnalization than any other client on the market.
Other things :
It's free
It works on MacOS, WIndows and probably linux too
It is an electron app, so you should have a good ram amount.
#archaeology #archaeologist #science #academicchatter #phd #ecr #environment #history #anthropology
Archaeologists of Mastodon, I am creating our own little place on the Academics-on-Mastodon Listing:
Here is our listing page: https://stark1tty.github.io/Mastodon-Archaeology/
If you would like added to the list, please fill out the linked google form: https://forms.gle/QdsUDAZfYZ6aTzYQ9
I spent the last two days talking to a lot of researchers like @ct_bergstrom, @markmccaughrean and @Angie_rasmussen about the #TwitterMigration and, of course, joined here myself.
The article is here and some major points to come:
Great piece by @ct_bergstrom et al on combatting misinformation by teaching the public how the process of science works. That it’s not a set of facts, but a dynamic process that orbits the truth, getting closer and closer. Any one paper or group might be wrong, but if many people across time and institutions, consistently see the same thing, it’s probably right.
Archaeologist straddling the great divide between arts/science, UK/US, sanity/madness. Herding cats & data at Science. Have own opinions, esp about fútbol. she/her