Two European #hornets (Vespa crabro) trying to get into our house. A few years ago they managed to gnaw holes in a plastic screen, we've switched to metal and it's holding so far.The good thing is that this year they found a better place for their nest, further away from the house.
Hornet update: sorry, had to kill one. It was repeatedly trying to fly into me, and if it got tangled in my clothes or hair that would be the end of me.
@trinsec Allergic. It's getting worse with age, and you can't just buy an epi-pen in Poland.
@trinsec Also, if you can read the whole thread, you'll know my attitude to hornets. This one was too close.
@szescstopni Outch. 😬 Hope you stay safe then! That flamethrower is starting to sound like a valid option. 😅
@trinsec No. It's Saturday night. Firefighters are busy extinguishing their thirst. Always carefully chose the time for your fires.
@szescstopni The end of you? Are you deathly allergic then? Or is it the end of you that you end up flailing your arms like crazy and then knocking yourself out this way?