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The Lost Ways of Programming: Commodore 64 BASIC

"When Commodore 64 starts, a welcome screen from BASIC awaits you. Even if you want to use it to just play games, you start with a programming environment. This tells you that you too can become a programmer and you certainly do not need to download gigabytes of tools and wait hours for your XCode or Visual Studio to install. "

@stjohn @libc

I am in awe. I hope there’s a footer on your site “Generated by Prolog”. Lol. greetings. Just read your website. Tempted to say "kudos" to your way of living, but you say altruism needn't be appreciated 🙂

What do you think of property rights? Shouldn't they be abolished in a wholly-communal society? Before the British leech attached itself to India and did land "reforms", land was a commons!

@strypey @matslats @bhaugen @organizingInFedi @mike_hales Well unfortunately the principles do not seem to prevent coops from disappearing. I am directly damaged by this and very worried about this recent trend.

@strypey @matslats @bhaugen @organizingInFedi @mike_hales Good suggestion, thx.

Yes timebanks could be in for some resource sharing, there seem to be many implementations. In my mind, a NoBank would also make sense, just a database of who owes what to whom, which can then be settled automatically (unlike with your bar tab). Both would work best in local contexts, but that is IMO the most important context.
BTW, FYI, I also posted this:

Yeah, I understand all that. Tim Bray, who wrote that article, worked on a bunch of that automation.

But those are big-corporation patterns. I expect a fedi co-op system would focus on smaller orgs. Maybe different patterns? Not sure yet...


🤨 Turning it off and on again
😌 Turning it off

House of the Dragon spoilers 

I loved Game of Thrones (the first few seasons anyway) so I gave the first episode of House of the Dragon a go. Nothing held my interest. Boring characters droning exposition at each other, interspersed with narratively pointless gore. About half way through the first episode they started performing a cesarean section on screen and I turned it off. Hard Pass.

#TV #fantasy #GameOfThrones #HouseOfTheDragon

I also had a ~/.cache/electron dir, with zips from like 2018.

People, if you never invalidate it, it's not a cache. It's a dump.

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The fact that there was more energy on the internet to stop Ajit Pai than there is to alleviate (or even discuss) the worst climate disaster in recent history has really made me realize that brown people will never have an equal voice in this "global community", and that I should drastically deprioritize the importance of this space to me.

There is no point in keeping up with The Internet at large. For folks like me, it's just a parasocial relationship with the US and its culture.

@ehashman @mhoye 2/ One of the original tenets of Free Software, back to RMS, was the ability to improve software yourself -- or pay a person of your choice to do it. is a for-profit company, but it exists because a bunch of people decided Gmail wasn't great, and running a SMTP server themselves wasn't either, and they'd rather have a few people be the sysadmins than each of them doing it themselves.

I think this is exactly in the spirit of #FLOSS.

@lightweight @ilumium @ehashman these days computing power is such that nearly any service ( chat, forums etc. ) can be hosted on a home computer, the reason's people don't do this have more to do with convenience, not having a solid internet connection etc.

There's no reason why we can't have a more localized, more networked society, where every school has it's own forums and chatrooms for it's students, the local library has an IRC server etc.

@Zee @ehashman I hadn't heard of Zinc Collective before. This is an exciting effort!

RT 🔒: all of my plans for the future involve me waking up tomorrow with a sudden sense of discipline and adherence to routine that i have simply never displayed in my life

@natecull both in society and compute, "somebody else will solve this hard problem, if we just defer to them enough power" is too tempting for many (most?).

@natecull yup. NZ (and every other country) has paid handsomely to gift its sovereignty 4-5 US-based mega corporates, also handing them personal citizen data on a platter, with the added perk of having all that citizen data available to US gov't agencies via the US Cloud and Patriot Acts. I lament aspects of it here: We, as a species (with special hat tip to our gov'ts), aren't smart enough to have computers.

The current corporate dogma of "Zero Trust (but requiring a centralized identity provider who everyone trusts totally)" just makes me feel sad and tired in my soul

@josemanuel IMHO morality licenses are pretty sinister. Using copyright to push your own morality on other people is kind of authoritarian. Imagine the situation reversed; a vaccine licensed to be accessible only by people who release any software they are involved with writing under a Free Software license. Most people can intuitively see that this would be unethical. But for some reason doing exactly the same thing with morality licenses on software is fine?

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